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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

@just bee, the best I can do lately is lurk as best I can. You have been in my thoughts and I am so glad to see your treatments will start soon. You certainly handle things well. I still cant wrap my head around this and you seem to take it all in stride.  Nothing but healing thoughts sent to you for the next 6 months or however long your journey will be. 


@geezerette, the thief story was just too cute. I would love that dog myself.She sounds like such a cutie. 


@bikerbabe, glad to hear that Bear is doing well.  The picture with the yawn that followed the actual bear picture made me LOL.  


@Lucky Charm@just bee @geezerette  you are all now making me want to try the Margherita pizza. 


I have been having nothing but pizza, chocolate, and other junk for the last week or so, so today I am trying to keep it healthier.  

I needed to go for a blood test today so I am curious what my readings will be with the way I have been eating. 


I have lost some weight so I dont want to start gaining it all back. It is such a mental game. 


Anyhow, I hope you all have a great day. 

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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

Why does weight have to be such a struggle. My entire life. I’m sooooo tired of it. Mind game. Behaviorial changes. Change relationship with food. Yadda yadda yadda. I’m over all of it some days. 🤨 I haven’t gained back but the bouncing in a small range continues. 🫤

I’ve been doing some volunteering, just once a week, with a local agency.

@just bee
🐝 💤 💕
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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee, the best I can do lately is lurk as best I can. You have been in my thoughts and I am so glad to see your treatments will start soon. You certainly handle things well. I still cant wrap my head around this and you seem to take it all in stride.  Nothing but healing thoughts sent to you for the next 6 months or however long your journey will be. 


@geezerette, the thief story was just too cute. I would love that dog myself.She sounds like such a cutie. 


@bikerbabe, glad to hear that Bear is doing well.  The picture with the yawn that followed the actual bear picture made me LOL.  


@Lucky Charm@just bee @geezerette  you are all now making me want to try the Margherita pizza. 


I have been having nothing but pizza, chocolate, and other junk for the last week or so, so today I am trying to keep it healthier.  

I needed to go for a blood test today so I am curious what my readings will be with the way I have been eating. 


I have lost some weight so I dont want to start gaining it all back. It is such a mental game. 


Anyhow, I hope you all have a great day. 



Our Queen Bee is amazing, isn't she?  I'd be a basket case in her position and she's quite nonchalant about it all.💪❤️


I think Amy's Margharita pizza is marginally healthier than the regular frozen pizzas.  Although I have to admit that I was tempted to buy some pepperoni to put on it, but I resisted.  Quite honestly, I've found (for myself) that it takes a few weeks of eating what I call 'clean'--basic real food, nothing prepared--to get rid of the overwhelming cravings for junk.  I get a desire for something junky in the afternoons, but if I resist the urge by the next morning it's gone and I'm glad I didn't run out and buy something.


Exercise helps, but I find that's even more difficult for me now than eating.  I just can't find any motivation anymore.  Between this, that, and the other, I don't give a darn about much so I just don't get up off my behind enough.

I guess that's not very encouraging, but it's the best I can do.😆  


You have a great day too.  It's always good to hear from you.

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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Those pizzas are so little, I cook mine in a countertop toaster oven.  It's not a big oven either.  But, again, the pizzas are so tiny.  Yeah, tiny. That's right....Woman Happy

@Lucky Charm 


They are small.  So I can easily eat the whole pizza in a few hours.  But I can easily eat a regular size frozen pizza in a few hours too.  


We don't have the vegetarian option here.  I wouldn't have gotten that anyway.  I can make certain substitutions, but I still prefer real cheese.  Although I rarely have it anymore.


@Lucky Charm 


I just looked at the box.  That's a lotta calories and sodium!


But I don't feel like I consumed that much salt.  Amy's other pizza s_cked all the moisture out of my body.


Eat a pizza in a few hours?  I finished it in one sitting. Woman Embarassed

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 35,442
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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee, the best I can do lately is lurk as best I can. You have been in my thoughts and I am so glad to see your treatments will start soon. You certainly handle things well. I still cant wrap my head around this and you seem to take it all in stride.  Nothing but healing thoughts sent to you for the next 6 months or however long your journey will be. 


@geezerette, the thief story was just too cute. I would love that dog myself.She sounds like such a cutie. 


@bikerbabe, glad to hear that Bear is doing well.  The picture with the yawn that followed the actual bear picture made me LOL.  


@Lucky Charm@just bee @geezerette  you are all now making me want to try the Margherita pizza. 


I have been having nothing but pizza, chocolate, and other junk for the last week or so, so today I am trying to keep it healthier.  

I needed to go for a blood test today so I am curious what my readings will be with the way I have been eating. 


I have lost some weight so I dont want to start gaining it all back. It is such a mental game. 


Anyhow, I hope you all have a great day. 



As the weather gets warmer you'll be more active and you can introduce a few more salads and some fruit.


Hope your labs look good!


I'll be getting labs every week before my chemo infusion.  I'm worried about my veins.  By the time I was out of the hospital last summer they had gone into hiding.


I'm supposed to get a call from one of the doctors this Monday.  Hopefully Tumor Board will have already met and made a decision.


I just hope I can keep working because we're so busy I don't have time to think about all this. Woman LOL


Keep on lurking!  And thanks for all the good thoughts. Heart

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 35,442
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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

@bikerbabe wrote:
Why does weight have to be such a struggle. My entire life. I’m sooooo tired of it. Mind game. Behaviorial changes. Change relationship with food. Yadda yadda yadda. I’m over all of it some days. 🤨 I haven’t gained back but the bouncing in a small range continues. 🫤

I’ve been doing some volunteering, just once a week, with a local agency.

@just bee
🐝 💤 💕



A good cause, I hope! Woman LOL

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 35,442
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

@geezerette wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee, the best I can do lately is lurk as best I can. You have been in my thoughts and I am so glad to see your treatments will start soon. You certainly handle things well. I still cant wrap my head around this and you seem to take it all in stride.  Nothing but healing thoughts sent to you for the next 6 months or however long your journey will be. 


@geezerette, the thief story was just too cute. I would love that dog myself.She sounds like such a cutie. 


@bikerbabe, glad to hear that Bear is doing well.  The picture with the yawn that followed the actual bear picture made me LOL.  


@Lucky Charm@just bee @geezerette  you are all now making me want to try the Margherita pizza. 


I have been having nothing but pizza, chocolate, and other junk for the last week or so, so today I am trying to keep it healthier.  

I needed to go for a blood test today so I am curious what my readings will be with the way I have been eating. 


I have lost some weight so I dont want to start gaining it all back. It is such a mental game. 


Anyhow, I hope you all have a great day. 



Our Queen Bee is amazing, isn't she?  I'd be a basket case in her position and she's quite nonchalant about it all.💪❤️


I think Amy's Margharita pizza is marginally healthier than the regular frozen pizzas.  Although I have to admit that I was tempted to buy some pepperoni to put on it, but I resisted.  Quite honestly, I've found (for myself) that it takes a few weeks of eating what I call 'clean'--basic real food, nothing prepared--to get rid of the overwhelming cravings for junk.  I get a desire for something junky in the afternoons, but if I resist the urge by the next morning it's gone and I'm glad I didn't run out and buy something.


Exercise helps, but I find that's even more difficult for me now than eating.  I just can't find any motivation anymore.  Between this, that, and the other, I don't give a darn about much so I just don't get up off my behind enough.

I guess that's not very encouraging, but it's the best I can do.😆  


You have a great day too.  It's always good to hear from you.



A coworker had cancer twice.  Each time she just pretended it was happening to someone else.


I'm not sure I can do that, but I've just decided that this has not been a good year and if I have to face something this awful it might as well happen in 2023.


Maybe by Thanksgiving I'll have something else to be thankful for.


It's something a lot of people go through and I have a lot of resources and support.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

Like everyone else, I'm always struck by the sheer guts and gallantry you show, @just bee , in facing life's curve balls. And in the case of this one, it's just remarkable, as everyone has been saying.  Your irrepressible humor probably has a lot to do with how you can meet steep challenges with equanimity.



(Not to say that whenever you want, you can't collapse helplessly and scream, or cut up a wardrobe, or sleepwalk nonstop, or do whatever necessary to let off steam...)


And, you've drawn a coterie of other bouyant, resilient, positive individuals who make up the core, regular posters in the hive-- so that the thread always has so much to offer...  


Also, so very glad to hear the thoughts of other, mainly lurkers like me.  We're all pulling for you.


Thinking of you often as your treatment plan unfolds. 



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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

Brisk, back in the hive....
Nice day here today and I am officially back to yard work. I have gutted alot of older plants in the front and it's time for a fresh look up front. absolutely no shade in the front of the house! I like bookcliff gardens for plants.

@ Oznell always writes so elegant. I have always loved her posts. Particularly her historical references.

Looks like District 51 teachers like golden retriever puppies alot. DH has many people interested in them!
They are beauties and I am getting attached to all of them!🙃
First shots next week. I am sure they will like Dr.Mike.

In late tonight because I have been playing in the dirt most of the day. I have a ackey left shoulder but no clue why.

Take care all and do try to hang loose...
Brisk out on a Thursday night.....
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Re: The Bee Hive -- April 2023 Edition

Late night for this old gal.  Went to a charity fundraiser with friends.  Had a great time.  Of course, nothing for me to eat or drink.  I always know to eat beforehand!


The sun is trying to make an appearance now.  But we are in for rain rain rain rain.  It's is quite breezy and chilly, but I'm going to bundle up and walk the beach. 


I am headed to PA this afternoon for a visit with my sister.  I also have lots of errands in the area.  Need to pick up my 2 boxes of kitty litter I forgot last weekend!  Going to meet husband at dinner time and drive back home tonight. 


Will have close to 2K miles on my car and it's one month old today!


I'm not usually that high on mileage, usually about 8-9K miles a year.  But, that was with 3 vehicles and a motorcycle.


Off for my walk, hoping to get close to 10K steps in before I do my out of state trek.