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@possummink Wow, what a fierce chicken chasing the dogSmiley Very Happy


Love the handsome kitten.  Super cute!Heart

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Image result for goodnight collages

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I was honored to learn you will present the eulogy for your dear sister, Dottie.  In retrospect you will be glad you did this.  I know, I presented the eulogy for two beloved people, my dad and my brother.  I  wrote the eulogy for my dear mother-in-law and it was presented by her son. 


The funeral director for my dad was a white-haired wise older gentleman.  He knew how nervous I was beforehand especially as the church filled with many of dad's relatives and friends,  and offered advice which I share with you now.  He said, first I want you to know how important it is for you to do this and I know you will be fine.  If your emotions become too strong during the delivery, just stop for a few seconds, or a minute, or however long it takes, and then proceed.  This was great advice for me and I was grateful for it.


My dad was an inventor and a tinkerer, and I mentioned this during the eulogy.  I heard my brother gasp at the memories, and that's when I almost lost it.  I took Mr. R's advice, and stopped for what seemed like a minute, and then delivered the remainder of my eulogy.  After all these years, I am so thankful I did it, and I can still remember what I said.  (Tears)


I and your friends at the cafe will be with you in spirit and love as you present Dottie's eulogy.  I can't thank you enough for offering the eulogy for her.


(((Hugs))) and love, as always. 

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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@Puddles wrote:

Related image

I need this sign! Or maybe the wreath!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Posts: 35,667
Registered: ‎03-09-2010





our day at the museum and this impressed me the most. It was interactive! Roar at the dinosaur and it roars back! Le Lucas💙 and LaLexi🎀 were a bit young to catch on, but their nana sure had fun with it!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Beach Cafe

[ Edited ]

@Puddles wrote:

Animated Photo

Dearest Puddles....


I just read your last post in which you

stated that you're going to deliver your

cherished sister Dottie's eulogy tomorrow.


Having written and delivered the eulogies

for both of my parents I didn't think that

I'd have the strength to go through

with it either time but I did and so will you.


Just as I truly felt the presence of my

Mom and my Dad next to me as I read

each of their eulogies,Dottie will be right

next to you as you're reading her's aloud,

beaming with her love for you.


Sending you tons more special healing

prayers and love filled comfort hugs.





All of my children have paws =^..^=



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~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Posts: 21,540
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

hello all,

not to much this afternoon.


very warm outside,but lower humidity. did get a 20 minute walk in .


enjoyed all the posts today.


Puddles know that we will be with you at your sisters funeral tomorrow.


OK guys will check in later.

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Move along buddy just move along!


I wish they'd have made this a wider shot as the Sandhill crane had babies and 'wife'  in back of him.  

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Posts: 38,682
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Beach Cafe

[ Edited ]

@possummink wrote:

Move along buddy just move along!


I wish they'd have made this a wider shot as the Sandhill crane had babies and 'wife'  in back of him.  




@possummink  This gives me the creeps!  Do we know if the crane family remained in tact?  This is why I will never go to Florida, assuming that is where this is, but know they are there, lol.  I wonder what purpose these reptiles serve, none that I know of, but you may know.


Update:  "Gators serve a purpose in our environment. Americanalligators are fast, agile and usually afraid of humans. They are the largest reptile in America and serve a critical role in keeping our ecosystem in balance."  All I can think of are the children/adults, animals, and dogs they kill.