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Taking forever to get over the flu!

It's been well over 2 weeks that I came down with a bad case of the flu. I thought I'd fully recovered in about a week....but the coughing just hangs on! I haven't regained my full energy level either, but I'm grateful to be MUCH better. Anybody else have experience getting the flu and it lasting longer than you expected? If you've had the flu (type A in my case), how long did it take you to have a 100% recovery? 

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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

I haven't had it, but several friends have and it's taken up to a month before they start feeling better.  Nasty bug!

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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

I never had the flu, but I am sending you best wishes  to feel better soon.


I heard the recovery is brutal.  Take care of yourself and rest.

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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

@Goldengate8361 Everybody that I know is sick!

I don't get sick & luckily mine didn't hit me until late Christmas day, so I am only going on a week.

Everyone else's started before that, but we decided everyone was well enough to get together Christmas Eve.

Whatever they have just keeps holding on. 

The cough. The phlegm.

Some have had fevers, but just for like one evening.

The rest of us haven't had any fevers & haven't felt "bad".

I have a croupy sounding cough & I am grumpy. I'm always grumpy, so I guess I just have a cough.

I had bought tickets for 7 of us to go to the hockey game tomorrow night & we just gave them all away. 

Not that we feel too bad to go, but we aren't going to spread whatever we have.


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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

I've heard of more cases of Covid than of the flu.  Perhaps many people have it instead of flu, don't get tested and are spreading it around.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

@Goldengate8361 I feel bad for you…The flu is rough to get over. I had it years ago and remember being out of work for a week and spending most of the time in bed. Since then I make sure to get the flu vaccine. Though I know even if you get one there’s no guarantee you won’t get the flu. Get lots of rest and keep hydrated. Wishing you well!! 🤗
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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

Mine started the week before Christmas and now it's almost New Years Day and although I feel much better I don't feel 100% yet.


My cough finally went away but my energy level still isn't up to what it was.  I never had a fever but the cough and runny nose along with a sore throat was miserable.


I did a Covid test and it came back as negative.  I guess it was just a bad cold.  


It had been years since I had a cold so I guess I just wasn't going to escape this one.



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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

Oh yes....feels like forever! I don't know what I had but my guess is RSV as the symptoms seemed more in line with that. I had Covid last year and this was different. Guess it could have been the flu but I still say RSV. Anyway, I had coughing for five weeks...I got sick on the Monday before Thanksgiving. And I still have lots of phlegm and at this point I've cleared my throat enough to last me a lifetime. 😫

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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

I get the flu shot each year so haven't had it in many years. I think there's an uptick in covid from what I hear. 

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Re: Taking forever to get over the flu!

@Goldengate8361  I currently have the flu.  I must have a mild case.  I had a bad headache for a day and a half, been a little stuffy, and my neck hurts a bit but that's been it.  I went and got tested they gave me the tamiflu and I was supposed to get another prescription but it's out of stock and im waiting on it.  No cough, chills or fever.  And no it's not Covid that was negative.
      I don't get the flu shot anymore since it's always 50/50 if it will even work and they can prescribe Tamiflu if you do get it.   I had a bad reaction one year to the shot and felt horrible for 4-5 days.  There wasn't anything they could do about it I just had to get through it.  I don't think this years shot was very effective since I know 3 people that got the shot and got the flu this season.  They had more of the flu symptoms than me.  I hope you can shake that cough I have heard that's a lingering symptom that's hard to get rid of.  I hope you feel better soon.