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Today I'll be making the Mint Oreo dessert bars that CareBears shared the recipe for on March 7th.  I had trouble finding the creme de menthe syrup but now have all the ingredients.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.
~Max Eastman

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To be trusted is a bigger compliment than to be loved.jpg

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.... now i have heard of everything.  was called pretty much a liar today on the Q forum. I posted a review on beauty today about a brand new product from bare minerals. You can read the posts. No such items, i was wrong on name of item (yet I posted exactly what was on the back of package).   I finally had to find the exact product and post the order number....


I'm sorry you had to deal with the caustic behavior of a poster(s) on the Beauty thread.  The best thing to do is put on your "Sassy Pants" and ignore her/them.  I've found (from experience) that the more you try to explain your point of view, the more vile the comments can become from (some) other posters.  Just ignore the naysayers and stay (primarily) with the Teapot Cafe thread.  This is a happy place.  Smiley Happy
"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Registered: ‎08-30-2015

@NAES1 The doctor had an emergency so now I do not go until I believe April 4th at 2:00 P.M. so I wait.

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@NAES1Okra, that is the one vegetable I cannot and will not eat, YUCK,  That slime makes be gag every time!  After trying to it that one time, I will never eat it again, no matter how it is prepared, LOL!