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This likes just like my birdbath on the deck.  Squirrel tip over proofSmiley Happy


I like your idea of a bird bath.  We have four bird baths in our back and side yards.  One of them was broken by a squirrel tipover (those little rascals) but it was a clean break and DH repaired it.  Near the end of the season squirrels again tipped it over and it broke again at the same spot.  Smiley Sad  I will ask DH to repair it again and display it similar to the graphic you show.  We have a large boulder that came from our home's foundation and I think that may be a good area for it.  We'll see. 

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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I am Sailor Moon! I stand for love. And I also stand for justice.
~Sailor Moon television series

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It takes courage to grow up and have courage to be who are meant to be.jpg

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This Eggshell has more than 20,000 holes drilled in it.


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Isn't he a beauty!