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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

That's not surprising.  I think it's because they are lazy.  I just went to see 50 Shades Darker.  I wonder if they'll ever make a movie where the subject (people) are the reverse of this movie?


I doubt it, I don't think the male ego could handle it.  Humm???

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Just right now I thought of something:  It's a possibility that some women (now-a-days) will eventually 'spoil' their boyfriends/husbands/even adult children into becoming very lazy.  Doing everything for someone (at an earlier age) just might work in reverse, long term.  Sure, it feels good for us women to 'be in control' and to 'do it all'.  But, could it become counter-productive?   Just a thought.  

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

the younger guys do wait for the woman to send out signals. the high-signaling ladies do better than the ladies who sit and examine the olives in their martinis.     younger men also like the idea that the women they date are pulling in some serious - are at least decent - coin.  they feel comfortable not paying for every date.   if things lead to marriage, there's less pressure on them.   they were likely raised by a mother who worked or even supported the household.


anyway, if you wait around for a guy to call like i did in the stone age - you get what you get. i was raised to wait for a boy to choose me... hah

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Well, why wouldn't they.......Just sit back, enjoy all of the attention.  They have it made now-a-days.  ('So it seems' to me.)

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

@ROMARY wrote:

'Years ago' it was very 'lady-like' to be approached by the young (or older) men.  Now-a-days, there are so many very aggressive young women roaming around, I do believe that the young (and older) men just 'lay back' and let it happen to them, instead.  Plenty of young women actually driving their boyfriends around over here.  Boyfrends laying back low in the front seat, etc.  It's happening everywhere in our area.  Young women want to be in the driver's seat, so to speak (and pun intended). Hope it works out for them in the long run. 


I have noticed this also for a long time now.  I always think of the movie Back To The Future....when Marty is talking with his Dad/George in 1955.  It's the scene where he's trying to get him to ask Lorriane out LOL and George is not going to do it cause she might say NO...he couldn't take that kind of rejection!  And Marty says "gee George it's no wonder I was even born" LOL!  


Being the Mom of 3 sons I honestly don't know what's going girls coming around my home....only once for a short while then never again.  One boy used to hang out on a "hate women" website with lot's of divorced men posting for some reason and developed a anti marriage attitude.  He's never had a girlfriend to my knowledge!!  


I know my son's are nothing like the go getter type as my spouse wasn't either....only in his work.  


I think truth be told in general alot (NOT ALL) but a good amount of boys/men really aren't interested in having a relationship with a woman...sure they want you lot's don't want children (only one of mine every responded positively about that when mentioned he had the girlfriend for awhile) but the other 2 never want that they say.  


I hope the one that moved out will change his mind one day and not wait for the woman to make the "move" .....I think marriage/family is one area of life that makes life wonderful.  Sometimes you have to step up and risk something of yourself....I am dissappointed that men/boys lately seem to be more interested in video games non stop.

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Women driving around their low slung boyfriends and the same women financially supporting them while they do nothing, are pathetic, IMHO. What ever happened to self esteem? No man is "all that & a bag of chips" for me to have ever been that desperate. Be happy with yourself, be independent, be loving, yet know how you deserve to be treated (as a goddess) and expect nothing less. That, ladies, is the true definition of a feminist.

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move... dislike feeling rejected just as much as women do....I also think a woman can show interest in ways that encourage the man to make that move.  :-)

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Re: Study says men want women to make the first move...

Eye contact was important in my dating years (after my divorce and move to South Jersey and my subsequent 10-year relationship after which I stopped dating). 


If a man is continuously looking at you in any setting, he is showing his interest.  If you look back for more than five seconds, he is suddenly at your side.  Sometimes you enjoy the ensuing conversation, sometimes you don't.  If I didn't, I would usually excuse myself and go to the ladies room and take my time going back.  He would usually be gone by then. 


I also never went out alone, I always went out with at least one friend.


As far as making the first move, I don't remember ever doing that, especially in my early dating years (prior to marriage).  Our mom drummed it into my sister's and my heads about "good girl" behavior.  That was from the mid-50s on.


Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986