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The spell check here on Q is pretty good, but it doesn't catch everything.

I do wish people would use it more.

Then there's the grammar.

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Re: Speak and spell!

[ Edited ]

Spell check can lead you to some weird places.  Honestly, I don't even understand the obsession with grammar and spelling on a board like this.  This is just supposed to be "chatting" and fun; it's not a scholarly treatise or a legal document.  I do not over think   spelling or  grammar because that sucks the spontanaity out of the conversation.  I pay some attention to it because I want my posts to make sense.  

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@chrystaltree wrote:

Spell check can lead you to some weird places.  Honestly, I don't even understand the obsession with grammar and spelling on a board like this.  This is just supposed to be "chatting" and fun; it's not a scholarly treatise or a legal document.  I do not over think   spelling or  grammar because that sucks the spontanaity out of the conversation.  I pay some attention to it because I want my posts to make sense.  



@chrystaltree  ITA. Many here will take time to criticize spelling or grammar. I’m sure we all make mistakes. These posts are not SAT discussion questions...we’re not being graded. Enjoy the subject matter. 

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@Shanus wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Spell check can lead you to some weird places.  Honestly, I don't even understand the obsession with grammar and spelling on a board like this.  This is just supposed to be "chatting" and fun; it's not a scholarly treatise or a legal document.  I do not over think   spelling or  grammar because that sucks the spontanaity out of the conversation.  I pay some attention to it because I want my posts to make sense.  



@chrystaltree  ITA. Many here will take time to criticize spelling or grammar. I’m sure we all make mistakes. These posts are not SAT discussion questions...we’re not being graded. Enjoy the subject matter. 

I agree with both of you. Especially on these boards. It is not in my nature to make fun of spelling and grammar made by other people. Here or in person.

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@this is my nic wrote:

There was once a learning gadget for children by the name "Speak and Spell".  The child spoke and the word would appear on the screen with correct spelling.  Doubt it's still being sold, children now use their phones or other devices. 


The  same kind of technology called speech to text is available to us and it seems that many posters use it here.  The poster speaks and the device then types the comment.  Unfortunately, the app doesn't always get it right.  I have read lots of comments that were very confusing because, I  assume, there are glitches in the technology and it just doesn't understand accents or there are background sounds that  interfere.  So, if you want to be sure your comment is understandable, read it before posting.  Thanks! 

@this is my nic The technology does have glitches and accents or background sounds are not the only things that interfere with it. It does not matter if you speak the English language or not the software may still get it wrong.  I have used Grammarly and Dragon NaturallySpeaking for years and still find spelling or grammar issues when proofreading.


I usually can figure out what a person is attempting to say when they post and I can tell when English is not a person's primary language and it is not an issue for me. Some people just write like they talk. There are times when I include a quote I will hit the spell check button and correct spelling issues in the original posts if they are highlighted. I just believe when people post on social media they use phones, ipads, desktops, laptops, and even tablets that have their own set of issues with spelling and grammar.  I do read before posting and still miss spelling or grammar issues....Smiley LOL No one is perfect!

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@Chrystaltree wrote:

Spell check can lead you to some weird places.  Honestly, I don't even understand the obsession with grammar and spelling on a board like this.  This is just supposed to be "chatting" and fun; it's not a scholarly treatise or a legal document.  I do not over think   spelling or  grammar because that sucks the spontanaity out of the conversation.  I pay some attention to it because I want my posts to make sense.  

@Chrystaltree I tend to agree with you. I do, however find fault with my own postings. I was an English teacher who couldn't spell for the life of me. Part of my current job is proofreading reports and proposals. Spell check is just not reliable; so, I really have to pay attention. I don't really care about the correctness of the postings on this site, because I'm not on the site to proofread, just to learn. I do care about my postings for some reason. And some mornings I go back and look at my late night postings and cringe. Smiley Frustrated

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Re: Speak and spell!

[ Edited ]

Excuse me, but has anyone thought of using a dictionary?  No one mentioned it, I keep a dictionary on my desk and always check if I am not sure of how a word is spelled.  Woman Happy

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Not everyone has the same capabilities when it comes to spelling, grammar, etc etc.  Not everyone has access to the same education and training.  If you can't understand it, move on.

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I always knew when my students were depending on is a terrible way to edit and check your own work! It does not take context into consideration and does not always use the correct word, especially homonyms, etc. best to learn to spell early. We had a game when I was a kid called Spill and Spell. You could easily make it yourself. It had 6 or 8small cubes with a letter on each side..,put them into the small plastic cup, put on the lid, and shake....pour out the cubes onto a flat surface and see if you can spell a word using all the letters that are on top of each cube.
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Also keep in mind that many programming these do not have English as their first language....very apparent in some instances.