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My Sister was almost five years older than me but she and I were really close. She passed away six years ago and I miss her every day. It was just the two of us and our parents are gone also. So now I am the only one left in our immediate family. I am not upset about what I no longer have just grateful for all the wonderful I did have.

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@ Kachina624  thanks for your post and glad you and your sister are so close. Being the oldest of 10 I have 4 sisters still living, one died of kidney failure in her early 50's. One sister in a nursing home with Dementia and 2 other's who are wonderful !  I'm closest with my youngest sister but I love them all. We all live near each other which is nice.  

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I have one wonderful sister. She is my only family member still living. I'm very fortunate to have her in my life. 

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@DrakesMomma    I feel your very very good friend lives about 20 minutes from me...we met on the school bus when we were  both 1st graders...been friends eversince....she is like a sister to me.

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@DrakesMomma wrote:

I am envious of those of you that have a healthy or even a remotely healthy relationship with your sister or sisters.  


I have six sisters.  I would have thought the odds would have been in my favor there would be at least one I could have some kind of relationship with.  I don't.  I am very different than my siblings.  I am not sure why.  I just am.  We all have the same mom and dad. 


One day I was beating myself up because I don't have a relationship with them.  Then I thought if they were just random people in the world I wouldn't have a relationship with them either.  That took some hurt away.   

is there a common denominator that allows you to identify why it's not possible to have a relationship with any of them?

fairydogmother to Pixie, Cat Mom to Stanley Cup & Jazzy
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I have two older sisters and the oldest one is 89 and in the late stages of Alzheimers.  She was an RN and she was my hero.  We were so very close but she has been lost to me for about six years now.  She can't talk, or connect anymore and her body is in constant motion.  I think she may also have Huntington's Disease.  I miss her so very much.  I still see her, but there is no cognition there.  My other sister, different story.  We were never close.  I will leave it at that.   I didn't know that today was Sister's Day................I honor my sister.

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I'm so bummed I'm just seeing this!  I didn't even know there was a sister's day!  I'm the youngest of 5, two sisters and two brothers.


I've adored both of my sisters going back the farthest I can remember.  They tangoed amongst themselves because they were closer in age.  But they both babied me.Heart


I'm not going to even text them at this hour, they know how much I love them.  But tomorrow--I'll get them.HeartHeart

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I have no sisters, but several sisters-in-law, and a few very dear cousins.


I certainly appreciate female friendships, and I always show my love for family and friends by shopping for them at QVC (ha-ha). 

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@smoochy   -  The Reader's Digest edition is I'm not exactly sure but I think it goes back to our mom.  Knowing what I know now, she most likely had undiagnosed mental illnesses.  She physically abused all of us, she mental played games, she pitted us against one another.  She was happiest with us when we weren't getting along.  They think I was her favorite but I was the one she tried to ki-ll when I was 18.  They are just wrapped up in hurting just not me but one another also.  After my oldest nephew died and the nonsense the oldest sibling started talking about me didn't have any effect on me, she had another sister join in on spreading rumors about my, at the time, 17 year old son.  Their nephew.  And, I was done.  Say anything you want about me but leave my kid out of adult affairs.     

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I am the middle child of three.  I have an older brother and a younger sister (6 years).  When growing up both our parents worked opposite shifts so I nearly raised her.  My brother went into the military when I was still in high school and my sister in middle school and while they get along okay, they are not really close as too much of an age difference I think.   My sister and I have always gotten along but we are closer now than ever as we both are breast cancer survivors and went on each others journey.  I feel it's somewhat of a bond.