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@DrakesMomma wrote:

@smoochy   -  The Reader's Digest edition is I'm not exactly sure but I think it goes back to our mom.  Knowing what I know now, she most likely had undiagnosed mental illnesses.  She physically abused all of us, she mental played games, she pitted us against one another.  She was happiest with us when we weren't getting along.  They think I was her favorite but I was the one she tried to ki-ll when I was 18.  They are just wrapped up in hurting just not me but one another also.  After my oldest nephew died and the nonsense the oldest sibling started talking about me didn't have any effect on me, she had another sister join in on spreading rumors about my, at the time, 17 year old son.  Their nephew.  And, I was done.  Say anything you want about me but leave my kid out of adult affairs.     

@DrakesMomma  Your upbringing affected everyone.


While I agree your son should not have been brought into all this disfunction the fact remains you said your mother pitted all of you against each other along with other forms of abuse.


The lessons were learned long ago and unfortunately your sisters are still caught up in the past. It is all they know.


I feel sorry for people who learn poor life skills and while not an excuse not everyone is guided to counseling and at least self reflection.


All of you have been affected and I'm sorry 😔.


Perhaps some day an awakening will happen for everyone without blame and with compassion for each other. May all your lives know peace and understanding. If not let them be and let go just as a leaf lets go and falls away in the Autumn as it should.


Not every poem rhymes, and certainly no life stories contain what we hoped for, and those who cling to unhappiness are suffering whether they acknowledge that or not.


Be well.💐



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Sorry but my sister/s were not good ones.  One has passed away and the other sister still terrorizes the planet.  She was always a mean bully, never had friends, no boyfriends, no invites to parties, events, etc.  I have not seen her in about 41 years.  Her own children don't like her.  

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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I always thought it would be nice to have a sister @Kachina624 .

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Re: Sister's Day

[ Edited ]

I have two much older sisters as I was a "late in life" baby for my parents. I asked my older sisters questions I couldn't ask my mom. 🥴


My sisters and I all live in the same city and see each other frequently. We've had a few spats over the years, but we enjoy spending time together and helping each as needed. Just the three of us take a trip once a year. 


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I have one brother no sisters. My sister in law is like a sister to me. She isn't feeling well and I am very worried. Hopefully she will see a specialist this week.

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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

I always thought it would be nice to have a sister @Kachina624 .

@San Antonio Gal.  Absolutely! 

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@Cakers3   -  Thank you for your kind words.  You are correct, her behaviors effected all of us.  I hope they change.  I really do.  I'm not hopeful though.  Even if they did change, there is so much damage between siblings I probably will never trust them again.  I know my husband and son will never trust them again.    

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@DrakesMomma wrote:

@Cakers3   -  Thank you for your kind words.  You are correct, her behaviors effected all of us.  I hope they change.  I really do.  I'm not hopeful though.  Even if they did change, there is so much damage between siblings I probably will never trust them again.  I know my husband and son will never trust them again.    

@DrakesMomma I agree about the damage leading to mistrust and that is expected. 


You are a good poster here and I am sure that reflects upon you in RL too.


I hope the best for you, your husband, and your son.💐



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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I have 2 older sisters and consider myself very blessed. We are very close.