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If you were lucky enough to get a good one, a sister is a real treasure.  Mine is my best friend.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624  My sister, Clara, was stillborn. She would be 86 now. My parents are buried next to her. I sure could have used her help with my 3 older brothers, who were the bane of my existence. 

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I have two sisters.  Both beautiful, caring women I am lucky to share my life with.


We fought when we were kids and got in all out of our system.  We are best friends now.

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Two younger sisters and four younger brothers.

I appreciate each one of them.

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I have a great sister and wouldn't trade her for the world. She keeps me steady. She just has a quality about her that I didn't get. I don't know what I'd do without her. We are all we have now.

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My two sisters are the best. Unfortunately one of them lives on the other side of the world and I don't get to see her much. The other is only a few states away and I can see her.

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I had one sibling. Who was mentally ill from childhood. We were not close. She literally dropped dead of sudden cardiac arrest in 2012 at age 57. A sad and troubled life that ended abruptly. I declared her an organ donor so some good came out of it. 

Harmonize the World
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My sister is the best, and I have a close friend of 45 years that is like my second sister.  I'm very blessed.  My brother is the baby!  Love them all.  

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I am envious of those of you that have a healthy or even a remotely healthy relationship with your sister or sisters.  


I have six sisters.  I would have thought the odds would have been in my favor there would be at least one I could have some kind of relationship with.  I don't.  I am very different than my siblings.  I am not sure why.  I just am.  We all have the same mom and dad. 


One day I was beating myself up because I don't have a relationship with them.  Then I thought if they were just random people in the world I wouldn't have a relationship with them either.  That took some hurt away.   

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

@DrakesMomma   I'm sorry!  But, you can choose you friends, but  not your family.  I'm sorry it hurts. 😢. Don't beat yourself up.  You are special.