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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest



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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

@viva923 @mousiegirl @Snicks1 @Bird mama  Bless you all as you go through all of your pain and trials. You are all so determined and resourceful. It is certainly not easy but you keep on going. You also help me when I read your posts.


I have been sick and hopefully getting better each day.Take care all.

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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

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~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

@Bird mama 

@hellie jo 





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~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

The work crew arrived bright and early ( well, about 8:30) and the topsoil shortly after that. So, work has begun and while I try not to interrupt them and slow down the progress, I did go out and talk with them, briefly. Sigh, I added some more work (and cost) to the job, lol, but it needs to be done, I can't do it myself, and I might as well have them do it while they are here. It's so hard to get anyone in to get work done that I need to be sure I use them while I have them.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

hey all

not much today

just my little walk back and forth in front of the house a few times-

did hang out today-great drying weather not much else later guys

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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

@hellie jo wrote:

@viva923 @mousiegirl @Snicks1 @Bird mama  Bless you all as you go through all of your pain and trials. You are all so determined and resourceful. It is certainly not easy but you keep on going. You also help me when I read your posts.


I have been sick and hopefully getting better each day.Take care all.


@hellie jo   I am sorry to hear you are sick, hopefully you will have a speedy recovery with no events.  You have had it very rough over at least the past two years with yourself and family, trouble seems to come all at once at times, almost too much.

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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

helli jo hope you get to feeling much better rest my friend

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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

Hi @Bird mama , Long time no see or talk or anything else. It's been a tough summer for me. I can't seem to get one thing fixed and something else flares up. I hope you are doing good. I haven't read any of the recent posts as I thought I should post first.


I discovered the first of this year that I have osteoporosis and it's not good. In July we went to WI.Dells and I didn't do anything strenuous or foolish. The day we were going to leave I got up in the morning and my left foot hurt to step on. Plus it was swollen pretty good. I figured I bumped it and didn't realize it due to the neuropathy. So I thought maybe it would feel better the next day. Not!! I called my primary dr. and I couldn't get it, naturally. She did suggest I go and get xrays done. Nothing showed up. 


I had a drs. appt. the following week for my back and she said I needed to go and see my primary even if I had to wait. I got lucky, a cancellation had just come through. 

She ordered more xrays on both feet and they must have taken 10 pics on each foot. Then she ordered a CAT scan for a podiatrist to look at my feet. 


I was then told I had broken bones in each foot, but the left one is worse. I have a severe break with 2 bones by the  little toe and the next toe. It's broken east and west and north and south into 4 pieces. The other bone is cracked in two. My right foot, the breaks are on the ankles. I don't know how I can even walk. 


The podiatrist has me in a boot up to my knee and a compression sock I'm to wear for 4 weeks. Usual time is 8 weeks, but due to the time this happened and getting into seeing her was a total of 8 weeks. The CAT scan showed no healing. So on the 25th I get another CAT scan and see the podiatrist and she said, I'll probably need surgery. Healing time 4-6 months. Then I imagine the right one will be next. I also have spurs on both of my akilis tendon and the birsas. 


Now my primary contacted me and wants me to see an endocrinologist. Since I broke both feet ( which she thinks was from more walking than usual) She feels I'm in stage 4 osteoporosis. I skipped 2 and 3 I guess. I'm so darn miserable I could jump off a cliff. Plus I'm still dealing with a case of depression and grief from the loss of my husband. 


Ontop of this as if it's not enough I have that darn fibromialgia and rheumatoid arthritis. It's enough to make a person drink or scream or something. I don't sleep good and I don't eat good. So now you know what I've been dealing with these past few months. 


I do want to ask you one thing, where you live, how far is that from Detroit? I can't remember if you told us what city you are in or not. I know it sounds goofy, but I'm a fan of Bob Seger who is from Michigan and he's going to be having his last concert tour. I pray I can get to one of his since I've never been able to get tickets. 


Talk to you later. I've missed posting. 


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Re: September 2024 Bird's Nest


I'm just going to say hello and you can read @Bird mama  post I left. I've missed all of you guys and I know I haven't been posting or reading lately. This summer has been very hard on me. I hope to do more posting as I can't do much else. I've been ordered to do practically nothing.

Thanks for thinking of me.
