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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: September 2022 Bird's Nest


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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: September 2022 Bird's Nest


Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: September 2022 Bird's Nest



I took this picture of these two deer, a buck(furthest from the camera) and doe.  Both are just youngsters.   They knew I was creeping toward them so I could get a picture with my phone.   They stayed in the neighbor's yard as I walked away.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 42,226
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: September 2022 Bird's Nest

The October Bird's Nest is ready

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Valued Contributor
Posts: 911
Registered: ‎08-15-2022

Re: September 2022 Bird's Nest

@possummink wrote:



I took this picture of these two deer, a buck(furthest from the camera) and doe.  Both are just youngsters.   They knew I was creeping toward them so I could get a picture with my phone.   They stayed in the neighbor's yard as I walked away.  

Possummink........I hope you are well.
I have been off the threads for a few years but I was looking for snappefrappe as I enjoyed her posts....can you help ?




Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: September 2022 Bird's Nest

@Danky2 wrote:

@possummink wrote:



I took this picture of these two deer, a buck(furthest from the camera) and doe.  Both are just youngsters.   They knew I was creeping toward them so I could get a picture with my phone.   They stayed in the neighbor's yard as I walked away.  

Possummink........I hope you are well.
I have been off the threads for a few years but I was looking for snappefrappe as I enjoyed her posts....can you help ?





Danky,   Hi,  I am doing pretty well, thank you for asking.   I hope all is going well for you too.  


I have not posted on the Widows thread in months as it seemed to go inactive for the most part.  I miss hearing from and about friends there.   I checked to see Snappy's activities and as far as I can tell she last posted on the Hello thread back on  March 31st.   I hope she's doing well, but don't really know much more than that.   She is such a kind gentle lady.   I hope all is ok with her and her loved ones.  The same for our other friends there.  


Take good care, be safe and well.   Come post here when you can.  💐🥰🐦