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Thank you I try but some days it "ain't easy"😉


I get upset easily when I see parents in stores treating their kids poorly and worse when it's a "helpless" dog or cat.  


Thankful for that young man🙂

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Posts: 7
Registered: ‎08-28-2020

We have pets and one loves our house so much living in the lap of luxury 24/7/365 days out of the year but the other one not so much.  It's like she's planning her great escape constantly thinking about it because whether we're coming in or leaving, she suddenly is right there and runs between our legs to achieve her her much sought after freedom until feeding time of course.  Then she finds her way back home with hat in hand.  

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

I have been on discussion boards since 2003.  I can say that sarcasm just does not translate well.  Also, people will often turn and twist what is said until the person on the receiving end is frustrated to heck.  I always felt this was done on purpose in order to gain some kind of power over the person posting.  I've mostly been on Political Boards (yeowww) and reactions to me discussing what I believe have been caustic, nasty, mean and really unnecessary.  I believe it was to get me to leave.... lol.... but I didn't and I won't.  So hang in there and don't take it personally, and maintain your sense of humor, it really throws them off.... Woman Very Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@mintedrose  I wouldn't respond and yes you hit a nerve... Unintentional though it was and maybe it's a nerve that needed to be hit...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

If you look around our society today it appears many are irresponsible, "you owe me", "not my fault, its the other guy" society. 

If it is hot or cold, all pets should remain indoors unless you take them outside in a cool shaded area. A yard needs to be secured for children and pets.  Look how many children drown each year because their parents were not properly watching them.  Two babies under two years of age were drowned in their tub because mothers left them unattended to take a "call".  Of course their are those who would defend them and wag their finger at me for being insensitive.  Bull!!!