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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?


The first thing I did when I retired almost 11 years ago - took off for Italy for three weeks.  Just me and my SIL.  Flew into Milan - and trains and rental cars - we toured all the way to Sicily (overnight ferry from Naples).  (She's fluent in Italian .... no issues at all.)


It was the perfect transition ....  I just let my "structure" evolve. 


Some of my friends had already retired or were retiring soon - so there was some working out get togethers.


I now had time to get involved in some groups at Church and a charity organization a friend had invited me to join.


So - as the expression goes ....  "go with the flow."  Without thinking much about it, everything fell into place.


I have a lot of interests and enjoy reading and webinars/webcasts, my crafts and hobbies.  Get togethers with friends.  And - living in NYC - there's always someething to do.


Even with the lockdown - webcasts and Zoom kept me occupied when I couldn't get out.  Facetime calls with friends.









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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

@house_cat   Congratulations on your upcoming retirement.  I am now retired from teaching.  I really do miss the little kids, but grandchildren filled that gap. 
     After many years of living by the class bell to change classes...I was more than ready to have unstructured days.  It didn't take long to fill my days with all the things I never had time to do when working.  Plus driving to my school in the winter weather was always a challenge.  If I had after school activities, I was driving home in the dark.  I don't miss that at all. 
   I do, however, still like some structure or order to my day.  I always get out for something.  But...I like the freedom of coming and going on my own time.   You will too. Just give it some time and don't overthink it...Eventually you will wonder how you ever had time to work 😊

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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

Thanks for all the responses.  I admire those of you who say you don't have a routine.  I've never been very good at that.  Maybe it is a teacher thing, as @sandy53  mentioned. I'm so used to a bell schedule that I suspect I might run to the restroom every time my doorbell rings... and I'm only half joking.


I'm not concerned about having enough to do, because I have lots of hobbies and interests and also plan to substitute teach.  I forget who it was here who mentioned her OCD. While I don't have OCD, I do have tendencies towards it and even as a child I would feel anxious if I didn't know what lay ahead for the day.  


~ house cat ~
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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

I am a retired nurse since 2016, enjoying everyday as it comes. I get up, have breakfast, watch the news, shop online etc. Since vaccinated in Febuary I have returned to our in person Wednesday bible service and Church on Sunday vs watching online.  Otherwise I have no specific structured life, just enjoying the blessing. Congrads on your retirement !

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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?



Congrats!!! I will say the first month I was retired I was like a "organizing, cleaning and homebody" ... then I became bored!


Of course, my kids were still at home at the time (I retired at 48)  I got the opportunity to enjoy time with him normally I wouldn't.


Then, as the days passed I realized I was bored and wanted to return to work.  So I did some volunteering, enjoyed working with the girl scout group (brownies) in my area, visited friends and made a point of getting together once a week with my older family members and my friends.  


It was this day I still do my same routine up by 7:00 make my bed, make my coffee and read the newspaper or check emails.  Then by 8:00 if not going to the pool I'm showered and dressed (even through the pandemic I kept this routine) then I do my errands if I'm heading to the pool I shower and do errands in the afternoon.  I enjoy a nice 2-3 hour walk in the pool. (We have a group of 8 ladies)  


By noon - I'm ready to shower and I do a couple of errands.  I have always cleaned on Mondays & Fridays (not that it gets dirty in my home with just the 2 of us) but I always like the "fresh" look.  


Of course, then around 4 I plan dinner - we eat at 6 and clean up by then the day is almost over.


I don't watch much tv so will get my book out.  My spouse is in bed by 8:30 and I'm a night owl I don't go to bed til 1-2 and sometimes I get a spurt of energy and I'll bake! (Tonight will be one of those nights - I have 2 gatherings I'm bringing dessert for this week).


After awhile you'll find your own routine vs. schedule...enjoy every minute!!!



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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

I'm not going to be much help because I'm unstructured, LOL. I spent so many years on a tight schedule, retirement represents freedom. I will say for many years I still got up early and probably got more accomplished than I do now, but for me that's ok. I say relax, you'll figure it out, and congratulations on this new stage of your life. 🌺

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

@house_cat  Congratulations on your retirement! How wonderful for you!


I retired in 2013... DH in 2017.  We have no structure at all...just go day to day. For us it works. When you work your days are structured....retirement is a chance to relax....get up when you when you want...sleep when you want. Itis all about YOU.


if you are unable to relax enough to go with the flow....then you might need to  learn to decompress. Maybe at first keep a schedule of sorts...and slowly let things go...relax more...tell yourself you can do it tomorrow....


it may take time for you to let yourself relax and go with the flow.  Again, though, everyone is different and you may enjoy more structure in your day. Nothing wrong with that,  just do whatever makes YOU 😊 HAPPY.

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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

@house_cat , congratulations on your retirement! I retired 5 years ago after working for 50 years, the last 20 years working 60 hours/wk. I get strange looks all the time when I tell people I retired and am not working at all Smiley Happy I do need a bit of structure although my days are pretty plain. I work in the yard, something I hadn't had the pleasure of doing for over 20 years, do some deep cleaning and purging. I found that I make simple lists first thing in the morning of things I'd like to get done and just check them off as I complete them. Some days, that list only says, "visit a friend" or "go to the park", etc. Just don't forget to enjoy the miracles that surround us every day. I've gotten much pleasure from earthing and hugging trees and finally beginning to listen to my soul. Good luck; do as much or as little as you feel like doing.

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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?



I am a retired teacher (4 years), and it must be the nature of the job.

I need structure for my days, or I feel at loose ends.  I plan something for each weekday, gardening, laundry, house cleaning, library, exercise class, etc. depending on the day.  I usually read or watch something on TV in the afternoon.  It took me a YEAR to get into a peaceful and happy routine. 

Be kind to yourself as you transition.

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Re: Retirees - how do you structure your days?

@house_cat For the reasons you mention DH and I are still working.  We are self employed and business is slow, we are getting a small taste of what retirement might be.


Enjoy your retirement