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Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

@Mj12 wrote:

Sick people need to stay home. 


The problem is - there are lower-paying jobs where the benefits may not be great; if an employee is out of leave days, yet sick, they have to make a choice to either stay home without pay (which they cannot afford) or go to work and hope no one gets sick.  I bet that happens a lot.



While that’s of course very true, as you’ve read in this thread, the other half of the coin is employees who have the days for sick time, but are penalized by their employer for needing to use them. The backlash can be severe and ongoing. I definitely had plenty of sick time, but was given stink eye and the cold shoulder and was told I was faking it if I did. They give you the time and then write it into the company handbook that if you use it you won’t get a raise and/or will be reprimanded. 

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Rant - FLU Season & Peeps who go to work Sick: Priceless!

We always joked at work that benefits like sick time and lunch or coffee breaks were just a fantasy. They use those words to suck you into coming to work for them but if you actually use them - woe be it for you.Our manager actually would tell new employees that they use their break times up when they go into the bathroom, and she better never see anyone sitting in the break room driking coffee, & if you are making coffee it better be because a doctor asked for it. I loved being a nurse & caring for patients for the most part & most of the docs were great too, but absolutely despised nursing administration from the unit manager right up to the VP of nursing they were all awful human beings on a power trip, who treated the staff horribly.