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It takes way too long to get rid of winter and get the warm days going for me to wish for summer to end. Especially on a day like today where it's 75, sunny with a nice breeze. Fall to me is just a time for me to start getting my head ready for winter. Dealing with wet boots and extra clothes is not m thing. I love the first nice day of spring when I jump in the car with no jacket, put on my seatbelt and don't feel like the Michelan man.

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I was tired of summer before it began!  The heat and humidty really bother me, so I only spend a short time outdoors in the evening watering plants and general upkeep.  It's still miserable;  I come in soaked through with perspiration and can't wait to get to the shower.  

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I live in Phoenix...I also HATE summer.  Rarely gets below 90.  even at night.  I cannot wait for winter.  We are working so hard to pay off bills so we can move to a cooler climate.

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It took so long to arrive (and spring was only around a couple days), I can wait a while for autumn.


It's what follows that season--the gray skies, ice and snow, for (seemingly) months on end.


I'm going to continue enjoying summer!

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Normally, I love summer in NE.  But not a summer of high heat and humidity, stuck in air conditioning so I can breathe without passing out.

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The days fly by too fast as it is so I’m trying to enjoy each one, hot as it may be. My o.c.d. however, has me trimming the scorched brown parts off of the branches that are in view from my kitchen window so I see only cool green.....that way at least   It “looks “ cooler outside than it is. 🤪lol

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I love my summer clothes with bright, light prints and colors.  I love the long days and sunlit evenings.  I'm used to short Texas winters; in NM they seem to go on forever.  I love wearing sandals and my bright, fun summer handbags.  I'd be content to extend summer until about November.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Love me some warmer weather and sunshine. What I don't like is short days, overcast and cold. This is a result of too many workdays driving to and from in the dark. Grocery shopping in the cold. Bulky coats and losing my gloves! I wonder if anyone spends 6 months in Australia and 6 months in America. That would work! 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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@Carmie wrote:

No, I am not tired of summer.  I wish we could stretch it out to last longer. I love the warm and even hot weather, the summer sports like swimming and boating, the beautiful flowers and fresh grown vegetables and summer fruits.  The extra hours of daylight is the icing on the cake.


Fall is beautiful too, but in the back of my mind, I know winter is next.  I hate winter with a passion. Thankfully fall doesn't begin until the end of September and I am hopeful that the warm weather sticks around until then.


@Shanus   Try to stay cool.  Pretty soon we will all be complaining about the ice and snow.

@Carmie  I'm with you 1000%  word for word 

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From best to worst for me   -    fall, spring, summer, winter.   I really don't like the extremes.


That said -  with today "only" in the high 70's with low humidity, I felt so cool in my summer apartment that I was happy to get outside and clean the stormdoor and surrounding framework. The sun on my back just felt good.