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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......



It's not one sided. We have to learn to be strong AND we have to stop excusing nasty behavior. Both.


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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@Pliqueajour wrote:



It's not one sided. We have to learn to be strong AND we have to stop excusing nasty behavior. Both.



          Absolutely.   This reminds  me of people who love to encourage and boast of "brutal honesty" and "telling it like it is."   What they enjoy is the brutality.  It has nothing to do with honesty or "how it is."   It's much easier to be harsh and unkind than to take a minute and present a perspective in a civil, respectful manner.   But, for some bizarre reason, we seem to see the former style applauded and aggrandized and the latter devalued and ridiculed.   We live in a strange world, for certain.



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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

Always remember what kind of people built the gas chambers. It wasn't the kind ones ,it wasn't the sensitive ones. I know which sort of person I would rather be ,and rather  associate with

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@dooBdoo Very well said, in my case it started out with a person who I thought  was my friend for 16 years, and she did it to my face or over the phone, when I no longer answered my phone then she took it to the Internet when IMO the attacks became more vicious, I truly believe because she could no longer physically see me it seemed to give her the extra power to take it to a higher level.


And to the person who wrote that "People" that are easily intimidated should stay away from dangerous situations, that is so WRONG on so many levels. That is just giving the bullies more power by blaming the victims and by telling  them that they should continue to hide behind closed doors and cut ourselves off from the world because we are sensitive, compassionate and loving people, what the world needs to WAKE up and see is that the world is lacking people who are compassionate, and stop giving credit to bullies and raising them up!

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

She sounds like she  has done this a lot @CareBears. I'll bet she is still doing that  ,if she  can get away with it.  Nice people don't act like that. She sounds like she might have  problems

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@cherry Now I can actually feel bad for her, YES I said bad for her, it took alot of looking inside of myself and alot of prayers for me to be at this point in my life, to actually be able to view her as a victim also, I know some of her past and I know that over the years life has not always been kind to her, and she did not receive the help she needed over the years, so in some way she herself had been brought to her lowest level, she chose to deal with it by hurting someone else to make her feel justified for her hurtful words and actions.  I pray that one day she finds it in herself to see the error of her ways and seeks the help she truly needs, as I know for a fact I am not the only person she has hurt to the level she hurt me.


Now I am not going to lie, I still have bad days when her words tear me up to the core of my being, and I allow myself to shed even more tears, but it is my way to cleanse my soul and remember just how far I have come, because most day I can shake it off and rise above and look forward not behind!

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@CareBears  It sounds like you have a good handle on things.  I hope the New  Year will grant you healing

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@dooBdoo wrote:

@Pliqueajour wrote:



It's not one sided. We have to learn to be strong AND we have to stop excusing nasty behavior. Both.



          Absolutely.   This reminds  me of people who love to encourage and boast of "brutal honesty" and "telling it like it is."   What they enjoy is the brutality.  It has nothing to do with honesty or "how it is."   It's much easier to be harsh and unkind than to take a minute and present a perspective in a civil, respectful manner.   But, for some bizarre reason, we seem to see the former style applauded and aggrandized and the latter devalued and ridiculed.   We live in a strange world, for certain.



@dooBdoo@The trouble with how it is, is that it's how they think it is and if you don't agree, you shouldn't participate in discussions. The know it all , the shamer, the holier than thou types think that they should make the rules, and if you don't agree then you are trying to control them. Such nonsense !

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@CareBears wrote:

@Pliqueajour I am 52 years old, and I am the victim of being bullied as an adult to the point that I almost disappeared, for over a year a person who claimed to be my "Best Friend" bullied me to the point that I lost my will to even get out of bed every day!  I lived in constant fear of what "MIGHT" be coming next, and the more that was dished out the further and further I fell.


I could not share this with anyone as I was ashamed of myself for not being able to defend myself, but she had brought be so low I no longer had the will to fight, I could not understand how someone who claimed to love me could be so cruel?


To this day I believe a "Higher Power" picked me up one day and whispered to me that this was not how it was supposed to end for me, one morning I cut all ties with her, changed my phone numbers, left social media, changed my email addresses and eventually moved!


It has been a number of years since this occurred and to this day people close to me do not understand my fear of her finding me, I try to explain it to them but they do not "Get It", and they probably never will.  Until you have been bullied most people cannot understand how mentally it changes you, how the fear completely takes over you!


I have pretty much been bullied my whole life, and I ask myself what quality do I have that lets some people think they can do this to me, I may never know, but I do know that there is a reason for ME even if others do not see it, and I refuse to take my last breath being a victim!


So if you see someone being bullied regardless of their age,  open your heart and lend them your heart and a helping hand, it may be the only act of kindness that they have been shown in a long time, and you never know, you may be saving them!


I cannot imagine! Good for you for taking charge. I am not on social media. The only place that have ever "posted" is on qvc boards since discovering them in 2016. You're smart to keep your life to yourself. Why people start posting about who they are, where they live, where they are going, etc., I will never understand. They are opening themselves to trouble.

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

[ Edited ]

@chrystaltree wrote:

Immature, weak people with low self esteem should just stay away from social media.  Cyberbullies aren't the problem; like all bullies, they look for easy victims.  They can't be stopped and no one can change them.  It's the nature of bullies.    So, adults who know they are easily intimidated should stay away from dangerous situations. 

It's also interesting that the bullies themselves are "immature, weak people with low self-esteem" or they wouldn't get pleasure from bullying other people in the first place. So sick. Strong, confident, mature people with high self-esteem don't feel a need to bully others. I am so glad I have no social media accounts. This is the only place I have ever "posted" anything, and I don't plan to change that. My friends know where to find me. Why would I put stuff out on a face bk account, or wherever, which would open my life to strangers and crazy people, including insecure bullies?