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Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

[ Edited ]



Fascinating article about social media, online reviews, and more.


It's too long to post it all here, please c&p the link (take the spaces out) or google the article title to get the complete discussion.  I'll post the very 1st part here.


!!!!HAPPY 2017😀!!!



 http:   //



Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind:

Fighting ‘Censorship by Troll’


by Anne R. Allen


"Lots has been written about the pain caused by online bullying of children and teens—and that stuff is horrific—but we don’t hear as much about the cyberbullying that goes on in the adult world.


But cyberbullying can have disastrous consequences, no matter what the victim’s age or social status.


In fact, some people think it’s having a devastating impact on our whole culture.


Welsh journalist Jon Ronson tells us cyberbullying and public shaming in social media are “creating a world where the smartest way to survive is to be bland.”


He fears we’re heading for a dumbed-down world controlled by Internet trolls and cyberbully gangs....."





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Posts: 275
Registered: ‎06-24-2016

Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

[ Edited ]


These are some of the topic points but they make more sense if you read the article.




Social Media and Public Shaming


Anonymity, Speed of Communication, and the Power of the Hive Mind


Angry Mobs are High on their Own Rage


Scapegoating and Shaming have always been a Road to Power


Public Shaming and Online Reviews


Reviewers and Authors are Equally Victimized


How to Avoid Becoming a Target


Never Participate in Public Shaming


So What Can we do About Cyber-Gangs?


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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

This is not just an article. It is someone selling a book.

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Posts: 275
Registered: ‎06-24-2016

Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

[ Edited ]

@Nuttmeg wrote:

This is not just an article. It is someone selling a book.

@Nuttmeg, Hi!


It's the blog written by someone who happens to be an author and she's not writing about her book.


Would it he better if I don't mention the link and just c&p the whole article?


I thought the topic was worth discussing and it was educational for me at least. What do you think about it?



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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@Pliqueajour I am 52 years old, and I am the victim of being bullied as an adult to the point that I almost disappeared, for over a year a person who claimed to be my "Best Friend" bullied me to the point that I lost my will to even get out of bed every day!  I lived in constant fear of what "MIGHT" be coming next, and the more that was dished out the further and further I fell.


I could not share this with anyone as I was ashamed of myself for not being able to defend myself, but she had brought be so low I no longer had the will to fight, I could not understand how someone who claimed to love me could be so cruel?


To this day I believe a "Higher Power" picked me up one day and whispered to me that this was not how it was supposed to end for me, one morning I cut all ties with her, changed my phone numbers, left social media, changed my email addresses and eventually moved!


It has been a number of years since this occurred and to this day people close to me do not understand my fear of her finding me, I try to explain it to them but they do not "Get It", and they probably never will.  Until you have been bullied most people cannot understand how mentally it changes you, how the fear completely takes over you!


I have pretty much been bullied my whole life, and I ask myself what quality do I have that lets some people think they can do this to me, I may never know, but I do know that there is a reason for ME even if others do not see it, and I refuse to take my last breath being a victim!


So if you see someone being bullied regardless of their age,  open your heart and lend them your heart and a helping hand, it may be the only act of kindness that they have been shown in a long time, and you never know, you may be saving them!

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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

[ Edited ]


            This is an excellent, thought-provoking article and it's not a book promotion.    Very good food for thought for anyone using the internet.  


          Thanks for sharing it, @Pliqueajour!



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@Pliqueajour wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:

This is not just an article. It is someone selling a book.

@Nuttmeg, Hi!


It's the blog written by someone who happens to be an author.


Would it he better if I don't mention that and just c&p the whole article?


I thought the topic was worth discussing and it was educational for me at least.


I am not certain what QVC's policy is about these things.

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Posts: 275
Registered: ‎06-24-2016

Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@CareBears wrote:

@Pliqueajour I am 52 years old, and I am the victim of being bullied as an adult to the point that I almost disappeared, for over a year a person who claimed to be my "Best Friend" bullied me to the point that I lost my will to even get out of bed every day!  I lived in constant fear of what "MIGHT" be coming next, and the more that was dished out the further and further I fell.


I could not share this with anyone as I was ashamed of myself for not being able to defend myself, but she had brought be so low I no longer had the will to fight, I could not understand how someone who claimed to love me could be so cruel?


To this day I believe a "Higher Power" picked me up one day and whispered to me that this was not how it was supposed to end for me, one morning I cut all ties with her, changed my phone numbers, left social media, changed my email addresses and eventually moved!


It has been a number of years since this occurred and to this day people close to me do not understand my fear of her finding me, I try to explain it to them but they do not "Get It", and they probably never will.  Until you have been bullied most people cannot understand how mentally it changes you, how the fear completely takes over you!


I have pretty much been bullied my whole life, and I ask myself what quality do I have that lets some people think they can do this to me, I may never know, but I do know that there is a reason for ME even if others do not see it, and I refuse to take my last breath being a victim!


So if you see someone being bullied regardless of their age,  open your heart and lend them your heart and a helping hand, it may be the only act of kindness that they have been shown in a long time, and you never know, you may be saving them!




I'm sorry. How awful. Your attitude inspires me. G-d bless you.💖

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Posts: 275
Registered: ‎06-24-2016

Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@Nuttmeg wrote:

@Pliqueajour wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:

This is not just an article. It is someone selling a book.

@Nuttmeg, Hi!


It's the blog written by someone who happens to be an author.


Would it he better if I don't mention that and just c&p the whole article?


I thought the topic was worth discussing and it was educational for me at least.


I am not certain what QVC's policy is about these things.


Do you read the Book Club forum?

If this was about a book ---- which it is not ----- it wouldn't be any different than their book discussions. 

I'm sorry my thread offended you.

My goal was to share and help and maybe inform.


Super Contributor
Posts: 275
Registered: ‎06-24-2016

Re: Public Shaming, Cyberbullies, and the Hive Mind.......

@dooBdoo wrote:


            This is an excellent, thought-provoking article and it's not a book promotion.    Very good food for thought for anyone using the internet.  


          Thanks for sharing it, @Pliqueajour!




THanks @dooBdoo!