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Quick update.


Rain has stopped for a few hours, it appears it will be that long anyway, and with water receding, there is a lot of deep damage in the washed out drives. Back breaking work, but I'll take it over the house being hit.


We have a small pump, and are working on lowering the pond as much as we can before it starts up again, as well as the pond has a natural drain that is running full force.


Have made a makeshift barricade to direct water coming down hill away from the pond, and out to the road, to hopefully reduce the amount of water going in on the next storm later today. Small stop gap measures, but every gallon diverted might make the difference as to how much spill over we have. 


Still have to worry about what comes down hill in the back of the property from two farms up. Hoping their ponds are draining fast, and that any further rains will be light and sporadic. 

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I just saw this @Mominohio and I am praying that your house and mother's house gets spared and the rain will stop. Be safe and sound. 

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I think you got the brunt of the rain that went through Indiana yesterday - we didn't get much south of Indy.  Praying that your property is safe.  It's an awful worry when the rain comes down that hard.  We had a 100 year rain experience here several years ago.  It was quite scary - I had heard of flash floods, but never experienced it till then.  Please stay safe!  Get out if you need to.  Your life is much more important.

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@Mominohio keeping you in thoughts and prayers. How scary for you and your neighbors.

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@Mominohio  My prayers go out for your stressful rain situation.  Hope you see long, sunny days to soak up some of your rain.

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Registered: ‎07-13-2017

@Mominohio- prayers for you! Take care!!

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Of course.  Stay safe.

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Yes I will.I wish you well. There are so many weather related issues to pray for. Floods in many places, fires, land slides. I feel so bad for anyone in these situations.I am also in Ohio. I have never seen flood warnings before it rained and for such a long period of time.I hope you are protectected.

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@Mominohio, I hope and pray that the rain has stopped without any more damage. It sounds like you have already done a lot of work, surely it will pay off. Be careful and please let us know when you can, how things are going.