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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

Maryann- Nobody's perfect.  I'm fussy about my professional writing and would love to think my posts are up to par.  They're not, far from.  I could care less what trolls think about my grammar.  What you have to say is interesting and important.  


Never let that get you down.  Who cares what they think anyway?! 

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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

Coming off a serious negative I feel  your pain.  Hang in there, there are nice folks out there that appreciate you and your posts.  

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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

@Still keeper of the koi. I know at times it’s hurtful. You try to make a valid point, post a benign reply and someone corrects your spelling or usuage of a word or a phrase. 


When it has happened to me, it is quite frustrating. Please try to just ignore it. I so enjoy reading whatever you have to say.




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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

@ I have found your posts so delightful and inspiring. So positive. I kind tell you are a loving, kind, caring person. Very soiritual.  It is a real shame this board seems to be ruled by bullies. I have noticed how unkind people can be , someone will post an observation or opinion only to be immediately replied to with sarcasism or judgement. I have experienced it myself.

 It is like , they try to make you feel stupid  but their opinion is superior. I have tried to post things adressing this. We all have opinions, thoughts, different experiences, so why be so harsh and judgemental of others for expressing . We all should be adult and mature enough to have open minded discussion without all of the snarks, put downs, and negativity.

 I admire you and hope you will be  back. We love you MaryAnne.!!!!!   

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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

@Still keeper of the koi


From reading your wonderful, inspiring and insightful posts, it would be sad to see that light extinguished.


Technology is wonderful but not perfect:  I have sent and received strange texts from  “ spoken “ messages.  I totally understand how paragraphs run together and words get unrecognizable.  


Too, when you are in the middle of things and try to take the time to share communication, you shouldn’t be penalized by off-topic, snarky, grammarian comments.


You may never know how a few of your words can totally impact another person’s life and subsequently those with whom that person interacts.  That is a shortcoming of electronic media.  Having conducted management and career seminars and having taught leadership college courses, I have had first hand experience with receiving life-impacting feedback firsthand.


Just this week as we were leaving a WaffleHouse after breakfast, I happened to see the young gal who had done the cooking.  In passing, I said how she had done a really great job with our order ( very few folks were there at the time ).  She appeared surprised but the smile we got in return was unbelievable !  That little bit of unexpected recognition and appreciation seemed to visibly lighten her emotional load.


So, please ignore the few posters who nitpick because there are so many others you touch in a positive way !!!


<<< MaryAnne>>>


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

We have most likely all experienced the bullies on here.   I recently was attacked by a little blue monster (that's all I'll say) for my opinion and for (God forbid) going a little off topic.   Some people just enjoy being rude and correcting your grammar or just you in general.  Give me a break, I sometimes type a bit too fast and don't even realize I have mispelled something.

Don't let them get to you, there are a lot more nice people on here than those few, and we know who they are.

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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

This reminds me of a customer that I had years ago (she was REALLY not easy to get along with, didn't think her new DIL was good enough for her son,and barely spoke to the DIL).

Her new daughter-in-law wrote her a heartfelt letter asking her to please be more accepting of their marriage. 

My customer corrected all the misspellings etc. (in red), showed numerous people the letter, then gave it back to her DIL. She told her the reason why she didn't like her was because she wasn't smart enough for her son.

Long story short...don't feel so bad...there are always going to be people who want to drag you down. You know you are a good person and nothing can change that.Woman Happy


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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

If MaryAnne says she’s “done”, what’s the chance that these pleas are falling on deaf ears?


To those who are guilty of chasing her away....shame on you!



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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

@Still keeper of the koi You are such a positive presence here.You see the good in everyone and find happiness in the smallest of details....surely you realize that these unhappy people need your loving spirit more than all of the kind people here.I believe that it is possible to overcome the negatives with positives but it takes time and you have that power of heart.

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Re: Posting on threads only to point out writing flaws...

@Still keeper of the koi   I'm surprised such things would even bother you.

  Really, it's something we all have to deal with by posting here.

  You said it was the same ones, so just ignore them.

  There are certain people I have learned to ignore.

  It's just something you have to do, if you post here.