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Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

I always say I'm a female version of "Where's Waldo".


So follow this....I went over on HSN because someone here asked if anyone was going to buy HSN's special.


So I tuned over to HSN and low and behold they were showing Sketchers.


So the hostes (I think it's Marilyn or something...she's cute but a little ditzy).


So she said about the Sketchers, "My daughter is a runner da da da.  But they are actually good for Pickle ball".


My brain is like, "Hummm??? What is pickle ball?  Then I went to the vast internet and posted exactly that..."What is pickle ball".


It's supposed to be the most popular sport and everyone is playing it.  


I say to myself WHAT?  I'm the only person who doesn't know what pickle ball is?  How did that happen?  I try to pride myself on know a lot of useless stuff!


Well, the lady on YouTube (I think it was that...) described the court and all of the this feet that way and those feet this way went way over my head....


So, I actually said out loud to Bill the cat, "Is this lady going to tell me what pickle ball looks like".


Well, she lost me so I never got to see people hitting the pickle ball (incidentally it is not shaped like a pickle, it's more like a whiffle ball).  


But beware, if you play it inside, you need one kind of pickle ball and outside another kind of pickle ball.  (i.e. If my daughter was here she'd say, "Marme (she calls me that from Little Women) you just like saying "Pickle ball".  Humph!


Where was I?  Are you still with me here (good for you because I'd have been long gone by now).


So, I learned something new.  One of the fastest games in this country is called pickle ball.  


This lady says it's hard to do (the paddles look like ping pong paddles) kinda...


I'll try to post a picture here because I think if you're like me (Good grief I hope you aren't and if you are don't admit it)...You'll want to know all about pickle ball...

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Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

One more thing...don't be like me and forget to close out the lady giving pickle ball lessons.


I forgot and now I've got her in my head saying "pickle ball".

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Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

Okey dokey then.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@ Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

[ Edited ]

@Annabellethecat66 I adore how you type how you speak LOL


Now I have to go down the Pickle Ball rabbit hole because of you.


Ill be back in an hour or five lol 

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Re: @ Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

@LizzieInSRQ  OK, I was going to do my favorite thing...(lay in my sleep number bed, eat an ice cream sandwich and watch TV), but I'll hang in there and wait for you to come back here and tell me what you think about pickle ball and if you're going to get into the pickle ball game.


OK, I'm still here.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: @ Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

@LizzieInSRQ  Are you still learning how to play pickle ball?


You didn't forget me...did you?  I'm still here.

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Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

@Annabellethecat66,  I won't admit that I'm the one who asked about the TSV; nor, will I own up to the fact that I, too, have never, ever heard of Pickle Ball......Woman Wink


I did get a look at the sketchers though!Woman LOL

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Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

@eddyandme  What is the TSV?  I don't think I saw it.  I got wrapped up with pickle ball and sketchers...


What is the TSV?  Now I'm curious.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

@LizzieInSRQ  I've been sitting here waiting...then I re-read your post.


It said you'd be back in an hour or five.  OMG!  That ice cream sandwich has my name on it.


I'll check back either later tonight or tomorrow.

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Registered: ‎09-24-2011

Re: Pickle Ball and How Annabelle's brain works.

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@eddyandme  What is the TSV?  I don't think I saw it.  I got wrapped up with pickle ball and sketchers...


What is the TSV?  Now I'm curious.

It's a Dalton10 make-up set.  You just missed the showing. Don't feel bad, I missed the pickle ball discussion!   It will be on again at 8pm. - the make-up not the pickle ball! 


I didn't watch it all, but read reviews on the concealer - it really works.  If I don't find a really good concealer they're gonna put me in the NFL!