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@Carmie. Thanks for the visual..I have some plastic bins - but I like the look of yours..a bit bigger than what I have.  


I freeze everything, well almost everything, so I need organiation.  This new chest freezer is a bit bigger than my old one so I need to get this storage issue under control.


I have mixed up two batches of Christmas cookies today and will freeze to bake closer to Christmas...I don't want to lose the dough in the bottom of the freezer. 

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@Carmie. @Sooner.  You both have some great ideas for keeping freezers organized.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Carmie   So you think freezer bags are OK for the freezer...yes sound dumb...but I am always concerned about freezer burn.

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@fthunt.  That defrosting is a real PIA but I wouldn't part with your oldie.   You're right, much more reliable than the new ones?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Mom2Dogs   I have been using freezer bags for years.  I buy the ones made for the freezer.  I squeeze the air out and make sure the bags are closed really tight.


I have never had any issues.  Some things I might double bag.  Example: bagels.  I put two in a small freezer bag, then put multiple bags into a large one.  This keeps them from getting lost if they fall to the bottom and keeps them double fresh.


BTW, the pics are not of my freezer.  Right now my freezers are so packed, a picture would not be helpful in showing how to organize.  I have a lot of plastic containers.  One of my chest freezers is huge.  The other is much smaller.

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We have a food saver for longer term or bigger packages for the freezer. But we bought a Zwilling Fresh and Save Vacuum Sealer that is small easy to use and fits in a drawer.


You have to get the bags made for it, but they are easily washed in the dishwasher and reused.  But it is far quicker and easier than the big Food Saver, and it gets used all the time for leftovers we will eat in a month or two. We bought it just after Thanksgiving last year.  

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@fthunt.  That defrosting is a real PIA but I wouldn't part with your oldie.   You're right, much more reliable than the new ones?

I prefer a freezer that you need to defrost.  The self defrosting ones, pull the moisture out and cause freezer burn.  The self defrost cycle changes the temp and is not consistent.

Self defrost have more even temps and are better for long term storage.


I have both types.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎12-24-2010 method ....  2 hair dryers with a shop vac at my side to drain the collected water as chunks of frost buildup fall.


My younger days - took  little over hour.  NOW ?


How does one do a chest s style?

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I have two chest freezers and one upright.  I keep them all organized.


I try to freeze just about everything in freezer zip lock bags.  I have gallon, 1/2 gallon and quart size.


I try to freeze everything flat.  I lay the filled bags in the freezer on their sides.  When frozen,I put them in a container upright like books.


I do this for both types of freezers.  The chest freezer always has dollar store containers in the bottom.  I keep bags of veggies and other items already bought in boxes and bags in the bottom sorted...veggies in one container, meat in another, etc.


I also stack the containers/ baskets with food in them.  Sometimes I have to lift out a container to get to another one under it.


The secret is always putting things where they belong.  My husband just tosses stuff in.


I keep items I use a lot and delicate items in the hanging baskets on top. 



I do similar in my chest freezer...I do "try" to keep a list of what is where in the freezer..on the freezer I don't lose it!


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I can only wish......I had another freezer--have a tiny one in a tiny refer in my tiny kitchen in my.....smallWoman Embarassedapartment. Had a big refer with a freezer on the bottom, then another older refer with a top freezer--then a small upright freezer in the garage of the house I sold a few years ago----held sooo much. I did find clear plastic regtangles that are narrow with high sides in a couple different widths, that fit well in my  tiny freezer and I can organize ok. Still can't buy much to freeze but it works.