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  I think this guy owes you an apology.I hope your friend knows how special you are to do all that for her.


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Id be upset too expecially because you put so much thought into it. How kind of you. I think meeting someone new at a certain age is super scary for some people. Dinner means a little more time commitment and its more involved.


Next time how about just inviting for drinks rather than dinner? That way if it goes well then you can do dinner afterwards 

~No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted~ Aesop
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@Ditzydori wrote:

Thats true, but my gut feeling is he got cold feet for meeting my friend.  He was going to come after my BF talked to him so he couldnt have been that hurt.   But we then both decided it was best to make it another time when he was feeling better.  



No, no, no .....    Too much time alloted for this .... and it may have been too much pressure.  you clearly had high expectatons or you wouldn't have gone to so much trouble for this.   A simple introduction would have been preferable, IMO.  This could have felt like a "forced" double date.  


First meetings can be difficult, and it's best of people meet for coffee ... for about 15 minutes ... no more.  Sometime you meet a person and know in the next 10 seconds it will never work and am wondering how soon can you get away without being rude.   


IMO, You had the best of intentions, but went about it wrong.  Making a big deal out of this meant they were both stuck there for about 2 - 2 1/2 hours ....  and they might have hated each other on sight.   Hey, it happens.

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@mintedrose wrote:

Id be upset too expecially because you put so much thought into it. How kind of you. I think meeting someone new at a certain age is super scary for some people. Dinner means a little more time commitment and its more involved.


Next time how about just inviting for drinks rather than dinner? That way if it goes well then you can do dinner afterwards 




Well stated.  I feel the same way about set-ups.

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You may be over it now, but if I was your boyfriend and witnessed how strongly you reacted to a dinner that was YOUR IDEA, well that would have made me rethink the relationship.  I would wonder how you would react when more serious situations occurred. 

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@Ditzydori ....................this is a good lesson not to play cupid.  Stay out of others love life.


As for your boyfriend why did he not come over and enjoy the meal?  Also, your girlfriend could have joined you, what happened to her?


If this happened to me I would be cautious of the boyfriend now.

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Stuff happens.  I wouldn't be mad.  I'd split the food into smaller containers and freeze them.  Easy dinners when you don't feel like cooking.

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Posts: 440
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Oh my goodness. Yes zero chance because he said so.