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Is Kim Gravel a new host??  I missed the show but saw FB postings

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  That’s what it looks like. I like Kim but have no idea why!! She’s fun during her clothing shows in small doses. Lol!!

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@imagemd @NicksmomESQ 


Another poster posted this link:

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I have been tuning the Q out for a few years now but Kim made me tune back in.Nice having different and interesting personalities hosting.....something different is good and  now if they let her sell new products that she discovered that could get even more fun.

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Yet another one who is unwatchable - add to the list of Jane, Antonella, Susan G., and the Women With Control vendor. Sorry, no can do.

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I like Kim Gravel,  however the show host format does not lend itself to her intense style. I enjoy her selling her fashions ,but only in small segments.  Sorry . I wanted to like it .

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I enjoyed Kim's show last night and plan to watch each Saturday.  The quick turnaround portion was somewhat like what HSN used to have - 5 products in 5 minutes and she did quite well with that. 


She is never at a loss for something to say and seems genuine.   I always liked her on her clothing shows and she does well with the "talk show" version of program new for QVC interviewing the vendors but still focusing on selling the product.  Not hyper sales pitch but interesting stories while still selling.  Seems like a good mix to me.


Loved her top and shoes too!

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Please, NO!


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