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Good fences make good neighbors.

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That is beyond sad, i think  under the circumstances,as awful as this sounds, i would prefer  them being put down humanly,than getting hit by cars,and starving. Iwould  try anything  to  help  those animals.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@SAM55 You've let this go on for too long.  Tell the daughter to come over and clean up the poop otherwise you'll take the dog to the pound.  She is responsible for the dog's behavior.

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Our neighbors 3 large dogs used our front yard. DH talked to him about it. He said nothing he could do when they get out of the backyard?  Glad he no longer has any dogs.

DH scooped up their mess & put it on their front porch. After doing that several times the dogs were no longer over here. 

I would give your neighbors their poop back so they can see how they like it?

I know you probably don't want to do that so call the police. Taking it to the pound as another poster said.

It's hard to deal with those things especially when the Police or your City won't do anything.

The dogs may be able to jump over or dig under a fence if you install that.

The neighbors dogs got out by digging under the fence.

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@Sage04 wrote:

@Mombo1  I certainly agree with your suggestion. The OP should take a few pictures or videos of the dog in action and go to Code Enforcement.


Code Enforcement in my area is always on the ball.

@SAM55    It worked for me and I didn't have to argue... The other thing my neighbor did was keep up their huge yard inflatable Christmas characters until Easter.  🤦🏻‍♀️    Another neighbor asked them to take them down....Soon after I decided to move.  I live in a nice neighborhood now with wonderful neighbors.  

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I know animal laws vary from state to state but where I used to live we had a problem with the neighbors cat.  The cat always roamed free.  For some reason, always coming on our property but one day while doing yardwork, I guess it wandered into our garage and got locked in there.  It ran out when we opened it.  The concern was my husbands historic corvette that he spent 6 years restoring.  Luckily, the cat didn't do any damage.  He started using the broom to move the cat along and the neighbors who owned the cat just happened to be driving by at the time.  Words were exchanged between my husband and the man who owned the cat.  After speaking with animal control, they said this.  That the cat can roam free but we also have the right for the cat not to be allowed on our propery.  I'd call animal control and see what they say and any advice they can give.

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Here in PA... YOU would be trespassing if you put the poop on thier front porch in a bag....and that could have terrible consequences today.


The dog doesn't know the law ( like "castle doctrine."...look it up) but you do.


Call the authorities and let them handle it.... and document document document. Go to the town meeting to have your complaint in the record.


BUT...if you can catch the dog on your property, and be prepared to show it WAS on your property when you caught it, yes take it to the pound.


It'll be off the road, fed and housed until ...well, you know.


It shouldn't have to be this hard.


To me, it would be like ME going over and using the neighbor's yard as my toilet and expecting them to accept it.


Feces is feces. That's why there are laws concerning  fecal waste.


Sometimes it's hard even if there are laws or ordinances. My neighbor has at LEAST 100 old lawn mowers on his land, along with junk cars, RV's 4 wheelers...all haven't moved for forever.......all with engines possibly leaking  gas and oil into the ground water where we all have wells for our drinking water.


The town DOES have an ordinance against people having lawn mower repair businesses in a residential zone, ( not allowed for this very reason)...but if it's just some moron who collects old mowers cause they're "going to be valuable" some day for parts, there is no such law.NO ONE is coming any time soon for some old rusty part on some ancient decrepit lawn mower down in the back forty.  No one.


O the joy of home ownership....and my high blood pressure when I look at this mess. Not kidding.


I've thought about moving to where there is an HOA, but from what I've read, they have thier own issues.











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 I certainly wouldn't kidnap their dog and take it to the pound.


 Quite frankly, I wouldn't do anything. It's not worth it. I'd just clean it up as needed and go on with my it's not fair but who needs all this hostility.

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Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think I would scoop it up and put it back in their yard.....time after time..  Maybe the dog would sniff it enough to realize that he'd rather poop their, than elsewhere!!!!!  But seriously, I think if you did that a few times, they'd get your point and do something about it.

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Take photos and document when you have talked to the neighbor and the owner of the dog. Call animal control and file a complaint. I am sorry you are having to go through this and it is sad that you actually have been friends with the neighbors. They should have some respect but obviously they don't. Yes I am a dog owner of full size standard male poodle. We don't allow him to use any other yard but his own and everywhere we go we have poop bags with us just in case we need to clean up. It is called being a responsible pet owner.