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My son just sent me a text that they will be getting married in June and going to the Bahamas.I am so excited for them.They aren’t having a wedding but will have a family get together when they return.

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Very sensible of them.  Best wishes and congratulations to the happy couple and to you.

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Registered: ‎06-03-2010

@dex  Congratulations!


My son and daughter-in-law were married a few years ago and honeymooned in the Fiji islands.  And now I have a precious grandchild that I adore.


Best wishes and safe travels for them!

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Congratulations!  They sound like a very sensible couple.

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Thanks for the good wishes.I am really happy for them.They couldn’t afford to have a wedding and a honeymoon so they asked family if we would be upset if they skipped the wedding and just had a small family get together later.I think it is a great idea.

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To all of you, how nice!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Congratulations to your son and future daughter-in-law. 🥂

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@OKPrincessThere will soon be a new Mr and Mrs. in Oklahoma...hopefully the family will grow one day soon.I am looking forward to being a grandma.I know I shouldn’t get ahead of everything but all of my friends are grandparents and I am beyond excited for my turn.

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@dex wrote:

@OKPrincessThere will soon be a new Mr and Mrs. in Oklahoma...hopefully the family will grow one day soon.I am looking forward to being a grandma.I know I shouldn’t get ahead of everything but all of my friends are grandparents and I am beyond excited for my turn.

Well let’s dont get the cart before the horse but when you become grandma you may have to move closer to grand baby. 🙀

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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

That’s wonderful news congratulations 🍾!!

   If you’re ok with not being at the ceremony that’s good. I have one child & would be very upset if he got married without me & DH at the ceremony. Thankfully, he promised me that he would not do that.We are a very close family of which his girlfriend & her parents are now a part of.