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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

Congratulations on the happy news!  I wish the newly-weds-to-be a wonderful life together.  The wedding location sounds so romantic, and I am betting that your DH will be able to attend.

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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

@Mz iMac wrote:



As for being a "young" grandmother at 47 I had a chuckle.  I live in a 55 plus community full of GREATgrand parents just barely in their "50's.  A few late 40's.  Not because they married young but because their grands started having babies in their "teens."

My long-time best friend married after sophomore year of college, but her son wasn't born until a few years after we graduated. HE became a father at 16 (they did eventually marry but later divorced). His SON just became a father at 16 (no plans to marry). My kids are in their 20's, and she's already a GREAT grandmother! Her mom is now a great-great grandmother. What an honor for them. Babies are wonderful! Smiley Happy


Congratulations @Vivian  - to you and your family. Enjoy your grandson's wedding! Smiley Happy

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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

[ Edited ]

It’s sad when 16 year old kids have kids. They’ll be great grandparents BEFORE they’re 47.  I’m just glad that my family is doing it all the old fashioned way.

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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

@Vivian wrote:

I married young and became a grandmother when I was 47. My grandson is carrying on the tradition. He’ll be 25 when he and his fiancée marry next May. My husband has Alzheimer’s but I am praying he’ll be well enough to enjoy the wedding, on an island in the Chesapeake. My soon-to-be granddaughter-in-law just ordered her wedding gown, a gorgeous mermaid style in lace and silk which emphasizes her beautiful figure. I just hope to become a great grandmother before I’m 75.


@Vivian  - I'm so happy for you and your family! How exciting it must be for your grandson, his fiancee and the entire family! I get tears in my eyes just thinking of my granddaughter getting married, and if Mr. Sunny and I are truly blessed, to hold our first great-grandchild!


So now, let's get to the important stuff. What are you planning on wearing? Do you have a color, or have they stopped doing that? You must be soooooooo excited! Keep us posted on all the fun stuff. Congrats!

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

The color scheme is blue but I don’t think I’ll be held to that. I will check, though. Of course I want to lose some weight before dress shopping. I wore a gorgeous glue gown to my oldest daughter’s first wedding. It was a formal affair and I bought the gown at Kleinfeld’s, the famous shop featured in “Say Yes To The Dress.” The wedding was wonderful but the marriage wasn’t. I’d never wear that dress again...with one exception. I told my kids to bury me in it so that I can get a second wearing out of it.

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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married



Wonderful news!


Cannot wait to hear about the dress you will choose to wear.

The setting and bride’s dress sound just beautiful.

Thanks for sharing.💗

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married


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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

My second son is marrying in September. Today I went for my dress fitting. It’s Navy blue as my husband will be wearing a navy tux. It’s all very exciting. Last night we worked on the seating chart and the song for our mom/son dance. Time seems to going so quickly now!  It will be here before we know it. Enjoy all the preparations!  


My parents were married 67 years in May. They have 14 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. They met when she was 7 and he was 9. They married when she was 19 and dad was 21.  Sadly We lost dad in June . Our sons wedding is a great distraction from the grief we all feel. He will be there in all of our hearts!   Em

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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married


@Vivian . Congratulations! It sounds like it will be a beautiful affair! Enjoy. I hope your husband will be able to go as well. 

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Re: My Grandson is Getting Married

My story is:   Married at 20

                        Mother at 2l 1/2

                        Grandmother at 45

                        Great Grandmother at 75

    and I am now out of breath!!!


Congratulations @Vivian!!

  Have a wonderful time at the wedding!!Woman Wink