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Re: Looking for a new car next year

All good choices.


I have a 2015 Toyota Rav4.    I'm beyond happy with it in so many ways.

DD has a 2017 Ford Escape but I love my Toyota much better, she does too.


I had a 2005 Toyota Camry, got close to 300,000 miles with literally no repairs but wanted an SUV.    I also have a 2000 Toyota Tundra for when I need a truck.



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Re: Looking for a new car next year

Love my 2000 RAV4. Get whatever you like, there are plenty to choose from.

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Re: Looking for a new car next year

We have a 2015 Subaru Forester & love it so much that we want to buy a 2020 Subaru Forester as soon as they come out.  We are both retired and love to travel.  Last year we put on 12,000 miles traveling from one coast to the other coast & several places in between.  It gets great mileage too 

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Registered: ‎07-07-2012

Re: Looking for a new car next year

Like the Suburu Forester but it might be too big for me - I am only one driving it - will have to take a test run...Not sure of the price but my spending is limited... So be it...

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Looking for a new car next year

[ Edited ]

@hondagirl - We just got a Subaru Outback and love it. Comfortable, has great safety features, and gets great gas mileage.


Not sure, but I think the Forrester is a little smaller (or it just be the shape throwing me off).


I have owned many SUVs over the years, Jeep, Navigator, 2 Lexus RX and a Ford Escape. The Subaru is right up there with the Lexus for comfort & safety.

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Re: Looking for a new car next year

@hondagirl wrote:

Like the Suburu Forester but it might be too big for me - I am only one driving it - will have to take a test run...Not sure of the price but my spending is limited... So be it...

@hondagirl   Definitely take a test drive.  I don't like large vehicles either,  but I don't want anything too small.  The Forester, for me,  is the perfect size. 

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Registered: ‎10-24-2010

Re: Looking for a new car next year



In 2003, I drove off the showroom floor, a Honda CR-V, I had it serviced every 5,000 mile and never needed any major work. I expected to drive it fir 250,000 k miles, but, sadly two weeks ago I was broad sided two blocks from home (the other driver was at fault).

I had 177,000 miles on it. My insurance company refused to pay for the damages, which was in the amount of blue book value. After the accident the car drove like a dream.

I was issued a check and last Saturday, I picked up my brand new 2019 Honda CR-V LX, I love it. 

Honda gets the best reviews and they drive forever, and if serviced on schedule, you shouldn’t have problems with it. 

I am 68 and I suspect this car to outlive me.

I keep my car in the garage when I am not driving around, which helps to keep the finish a bit brighter.



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Posts: 2,153
Registered: ‎08-25-2010

Re: Looking for a new car next year

[ Edited ]

I got a Toyota RAV4 in 2010 after I retired. I LOVE IT! Having been stranded in the OuterBanks after hurricanes a couple of times because our cars were too low to the ground to get through the pooled water, I wanted something that was higher than our Camry. I also insisted on getting a 6 cylinder engine, since we were getting temps over 100* throughout that summer and I wanted to make sure I could blast the air conditioner without sacrificing power. It has 4wheel drive and handles well in the snow (when we get it here).


Although there have been some recalls, I’ve never had a problem with it. We take it for periodic checkups and oil changes. It’s on its second battery and set of tires. I’ve only got 50K miles on it - it wouldn’t be that high if we didn’t take it for vacations and trips to Philly. We pack it pretty tight when we go on vacation. Luckily, DS doesn’t come with us or we’d have to tie him to the roof rack.


I’m only 5’4” so I didn’t want a huge SUV that would be hard for me to handle. My RAV4 drives like a Camry, only you’re up higher and have a better view of the road. Early on, I had to make it clear that this was MY CAR because DH and DS like driving it as much as I do and I could see one of them taking it over. Before I got it, I asked our insurance agent if the insurance would be more expensive than the rate for a Camry. It turns out to be less expensive. Good luck finding your new car!

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎07-03-2012

Re: Looking for a new car next year

@hondagirl wrote:

Like the Suburu Forester but it might be too big for me - I am only one driving it - will have to take a test run...Not sure of the price but my spending is limited... So be it...

hondagirl, I am only 5' tall while my DH is 6' tall.  The Forester is a little bit lower to the ground then the Outback which is what we were looking for because I have mobility issues.  We had 6 vans previously & haven't missed them at all.  Good luck with whatever you choose to get.

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Posts: 3,221
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Looking for a new car next year

We traded in our smaller suv for a Buick Regal Tour X last fall. My husband wanted something a bit lower to the ground and more comfortable. Because it was a 2018 we got over $7000 off plus our trade in. I think it's just a bit longer than the Subaru  Outback and it handles very well.