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Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard

[ Edited ]

I just hope @lolakimono and @stevieb   decide to join the new proboard mellyg made. There is already a Home subforum. I enjoy their content so much, even when I don't like something lol


Oh and @hckynut you better get this figured out!


So glad to see so many others I enjoy so much registered there!

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Re: Lolakimomo, Steviieb please join the ProBoard

I'm trying to catch up with what's going on. I have been reading all of these posts about the boards shutting down where do I sigh up for proboards and what is it ? 

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Re: Lolakimomo, Steviieb please join the ProBoard

ProBoard is a space online to create forums (subscribe for ad-free, I don't plan to).


Mellyg has already set one up called q forum friends and already has set up subform categories (Home, holidays,  tv & movies etc.with more to come). It has lots of privacy settings to suit one's comfort level. You havevto register to post but you can read as a guest ( like most if not all forums)


Can't link here or Mods will delete post due to link. 


 See you there

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Re: Lolakimomo, Steviieb please join the ProBoard

@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

ProBoard is a space online to create forums (subscribe for ad-free, I don't plan to).


Mellyg has already set one up called q forum friends and already has set up subform categories (Home, holidays,  tv & movies etc.with more to come). It has lots of privacy settings to suit one's comfort level. You havevto register to post but you can read as a guest ( like most if not all forums)


Can't link here or Mods will delete post due to link. 


 See you there

Thanks!  I finally got signed up.  

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,241
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard

I don't know how to sign up.  ProBoard... does it have a website if I google it.  And is te sign up specific to the Q?

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Re: Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard

@bonnielu wrote:

I don't know how to sign up.  ProBoard... does it have a website if I google it.  And is te sign up specific to the Q?

I have the same question as bonnielu...Where do you sign up/how do you sign

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard

[ Edited ]


mellyg dot proboards dot com


@lilac lover 



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Re: Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard

@DottieBlue wrote:


mellyg dot proboards dot com


@lilac lover 




FYI you will first be asked to create a name and password for the proboard site, then the forum where you’ll use a different name.

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Registered: ‎12-27-2010

Re: Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard

I just use same name for both



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Re: Lolakimomo, Stevieb please join the ProBoard


https:// mellyg.proboards. com/


I don't want to put in a live link but here it is....just put this in your Google search  with no spaces.


It's called "q Forum Friends" and it's looking great!  It's clean with a lot of good categories and looks like it will be easy to navigate.


I really hope everyone signs up! Smiley Happy