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@Sweetbay magnolia I had a flashback when you mentioned Seldom Scene of watching them perform “I know you Rider” back in the 80s. 

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I have my Bose on everyday. I love hearing music in the back ground.

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@riley1, We spent our summers at Coney Island and Murray the K had R & R shows there during the summers.  We also had R & R shows at theaters The Brooklyn Paramount and The Brooklyn Fox hosted by DJs.  I had 4 older brothers, two of which would buy the new 45s and play them on our small turntable so of course I grew up and continued the tradition.  Such fun memories.

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Re: Listening To Music

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@cookie16 - I do remember Murray the K, along with the Morning Mayor and several others. Fun times!


Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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Music is very important to me.  I always have it on when I'm cleaning, straightening up the house, etc.  My radio is almost always on in the car too.  I have a lot of my CD's ripped to my work laptop so I listen to music a lot at work as well.


Southern Gospel (quartet) is the music I listen to the most but I'll also listen to current rock & roll & oldies too.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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OMG @tucsongal I could listen to "Rider" every day (and I almost do)

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@Sweetbay magnolia @tucsongal 


I remember the name but I dont remember them.

Am I recalling incorrectly or wasn't bluegrass more 'accessible' in the 80s?


Locally (Miami) there was a bluegrass festival the first Sunday of every month that I went to a few times... In '78 a friend and I took the trip from N. Va to Union Grove, NC for the Fiddlers' Convention....

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Re: Listening To Music

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I'd say, @Andreatoo , that yes, the "Scene" was an early mash up that brought the sounds and the picking to a relatively urban crowd.  The local University station used to host a bluegrass hour at noon each day, and Michael Grey was famously (well you know) not in the mainstream.


It was a very cool thing.  It still is.  Lee Michael Dempsey had a gorgeous radio voice that cut through the chaos of city life.


John Starling was a surgeon with a beautiful voice. I remember now - the hour was called "Capitol Bluegrass"



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@cookie16 - I could have written your post!  I was sad when Cousin Brucie left Sirius/XM.  Used to like listening to him on Saturday nights back in the 80's in NY and in recent years on 60's on 6.


My husband also can't believe I remember the words to so many songs.  Even ones that I haven't heard in years, if I hear them now I can sing along.  


I love Christmas music and listen to it all year round on Directv's Christmas station.  Must be a lot of people like us since they have such a station.Smiley Wink