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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

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@Bird mama 


This will be my Learn Something New Each Day Class ...maybe you'll have a quiz at the end of each week.  Woman Wink

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

@Bird mama   Good morning and Happy New Year. 


I love seeing your beautiful photos and checking in when I remember. I still don't have my permenant glasses Rx, so trying to navigate drugstore readers bobbing my head up down and sideways, so please excuse any typos.


My only bird story (posts here only bird related?):  Last spring we hung our wreath on the front door. It's a long covered porch with 4 rockers and small tables for drinks, etc. ...think Charleston/Southern style. I make them on a Michael's or Amazon base and add pine cones, silk flowers and a a bow on top using a glue gun. Anyway, last spring, a Mama bird decided to build a sturdy nest inside the wreath and lay beautiful tiny blue eggs. We could watch through the glass front door and follow the progress as the eggs would hatch. The neighborhood kids would call to come and watch letting them in the back door that we had to use, too.


Well, it didn't take long for the eggs to hatch and 4 little birds w/o feathers, scrany bodies and chirpping open mouths appeared. We watched the Mama (Bird Mama) bring worms, insects, etc. to feed them. This was a wonderful learning experience for me and the kids nearby. Of course we watched them get feathers, fill out and eventually fly away.


The downside was bird poop all over the porch and white rockers. When we were sure the nest was vacated we power washed everything.

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

Happy New Year @Shanus   We love all kinds of animal stories.  One year I went on a goat bender and posted lots of photos of goats.  It was generous and lovely of you to allow the bird to use your wreath as a nest.  I know, birds can be a little messy.  I have 2 bird houses hanging off of the garage addition under the soffit and I've seen the sparrows teach their young how to back up near the opening of the birdhouse to go potty outside, lol.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

Gulf World Marine Park - Happy Thursday! | Facebook

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

hey all

got  up late this morning so been playing catch up


that woodpecker looks like the bird i saw a few years ago it was huge

ok guys later

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

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@viva923  they're a good sized bird coming in at around 8 inches.  I'm a lousy birdwatcher despite all of the Sibley bird guides that I own.  I tend to look at color first, then size.  When the guides get into wing shape and head shape and all of that I get lost in the sauce.  The red white and black woodpeckers (and there are many) confuse the heck out of me.


When I had pine trees I had more woodpeckers.  Till this day I don't know if the red/white and black one was a Downy woodpeck or a Hairy woodpecker.  They come and go so darn fast and their main differential is size.  By the time I would get excited that I saw one of them they would fly off before I registered the size.  


Another one that throws me is the Sharp Shinned Hawk versus the Coopers Hawk.  Nine times out of ten I'm chasing them out of my yard.  I know it's one of them - just don't which, lol.

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

The woodpecker is interesting.


Even though it seems were included in its territory, I don't think I've ever seen one, and we have several different types of woodpeckers, woods, and lots of acorns.  Although sometimes I think having a lot of wooded area is a drawback to actually seeing birds since they can spend much of their time hidden from view in the trees.


I especially liked the photos of the granary.  Very cool!😄


I guess these birds (and other critters) can easily tell the difference between males and females, but it sure is hard for me to do so!😆

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

@Bird mama   Wonderful pictures and info, looking forward to each day 

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Re: January 2025 - New Year, New Bird's Nest :-)

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I hope that interested parties saw the article about birds and dinosaurs and the wildlife rehab story about the baby acorn woodpecker.  I was trying to save space and didn't know that links were prohibited in the Community. 


I know now and will avoid links in the future.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise