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Registered: ‎07-24-2013

@mintedrose wrote:



Thats definitely TMI. I dont like to every little detail with people even if Ive know them for a while. I talk about general stuff and thats it. 


Another thing, this is for new people. Some wanna ask very personal questions right away. I met a lady last weekend who was quite chatty and asked me my age, marital status, my religion, nationality, if im a parent, where i live on and on. Isnt asking someone's age kinda rude. I answered her then of course but later thought about it and felt violated. She invaded my space.


I've noticed that some people are just very rough around the edges when it comes to socializing. I couldnt say anything then because she put me on the spot but I really wanna be able to just say NO to people like that. 

@mintedrose    Unless you really want to reveal all..


Possible  Answers said with a big smile:



A. Who wants to know (being jocular)

B. You were wondering the same about them

C.  Oh that is an interesting question.

D. Look at your watch and say "Oh Darn! Is that the time? oooh  must fly...nice chatting ...