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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

@Teddixat I'm in Humboldt County.

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

Very pretty!  I bet the children are having fun!

I can just imagine the reaction of some of the animals when they had to go out!

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

Wow!  It's 78 degrees here in SE MD...we are loving it!  But it won't last. Getting cold tomorrow.

My son is working in LA this month.  He and a friend went up to Venice Beach boardwalk last night and had on winter coats.  He said it was terribly windy n so cold. Folks there aren't used to that. The boardwalk was practically empty which is rare. 

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

That's a lot of snow for you! Born & raised in the SF Bay Area lived there for 45 years and it snowed maybe twice?   

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

[ Edited ]

The second wave of this storm that we are about to be hit with is supposed to be a dosie. The weather lady on the news said that if you can work from tomorrow do it. I also live in Southern California in Riverside County. 


The snow levels are supposed to drop very low. 


I am so glad that I am working from home today and tomorrow and I will not be heading out of my home until Sunday.


 I have been in my home almost 20 years, and I have only seen snow twice. Wacky weather. 

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

One of my brothers lives in Lake Shasta, CA and he texted me last night and said they are supposed to have 8" on ground by Saturday am (normally they don't get much if any snow); while I live in Northern VA and we are supposed to hit 80 today, but then fall tomorrow.


So far Northern VA has barely had 2" of snow all winter.

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

I'm in northern CA near Folsom, we have what they call graupel.  Every so often we have a tiny bit of snow but the incidences can be decades apart.

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

I am in Fredericksburg, VA and it is 82 degrees today, beautiful and I was out walking today and my daffodils and tulips are popping up. No snow at all so far this winter, but it is suppose to get colder by weekend and start warming up again next week...some crazy weather.

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

@Runner26 I spent my first 61 years in So. Cal. and I well remember one Easter when I was maybe 7 or 8 and we had some snow. We still talk about that. It wasn't much but it was enough to just cover the grass.

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Re: I woke up to snow in California!

My Mom would talk about the snow that fell on the beaches in 1949 in S. California,  Ventura county, Oxnard and Point Hueneme in particular.  The beaches there.  


My friend still lives in So. California, Lemon Grove and she told me snow fell last night but didn't stick and that it was gorgeous to watch.



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