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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I was given a rose today at our diner

Some lady had come in earlier and handed them out randomly. We came after she left ,and one of my sweetie pie, waitresses ,gave hers ,to me


I told he,r when I am handed a flower by someone ,it means my prayers are answered, and it is a sign from heaven. She had never heard of this before ,so we were both blessed, by one lady's kindness

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Posts: 1,526
Registered: ‎11-07-2017

Re: I was given a rose today at our diner


Some lady had come in earlier and handed them out randomly. We came after she left and one of my sweetie pie, waitresses, gave hers, to me


I told her when I am handed a flower by someone, it means my prayers are answered, and it is a sign from heaven. She had never heard of this before so we were both blessed by one lady's kindness

That is so sweet @cherry. One act of kindness that can spread the type of joy that goes from person to person is indeed a beautiful thing. Answered prayer is also beautiful and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that prayers are answered! Thank you for sharing your experience.


In 2007 I lived through a horrible flood in Dec. of that year. In the days that followed, a friend emailed me and said "I prayed that you'll see a flower today". I was like, it's winter, where am I going to see a flower...but, later that day, a box in the garage that hadn't taken on flood water was moved (side note there were many people out helping clean up, some people I didn't even know, so clean up was fast and furious) but in that box, were beautiful fake flowers that I didn't remember were there, but I had one of those, oh wow, answered prayer moments.


Thanks again cherry, loved your story!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I was given a rose today at our diner

@KitTkat  I have great devotion to St Therese, also known as the Little Flower


When she was dying, she said I, will spend my heaven doing good ,and will rain down  roses from heaven, meaning answers to prayers...

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Posts: 1,526
Registered: ‎11-07-2017

Re: I was given a rose today at our diner


@KitTkat  I have great devotion to St Therese, also known as the Little Flower


When she was dying, she said I, will spend my heaven doing good ,and will rain down  roses from heaven, meaning answers to prayers...

I love roses. I have several bushes around the house. They are so beautiful, despite the thorns. Kind of like life, how we can achieve beauty in our lives, but it's those thorns in our flesh that help us flourish.🌹

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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I was given a rose today at our diner

Roses are so beautiful ,I love them too