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@Carmie wrote:

I finally am able to post here. yeah.


When  QVC forums are closed, I will be done with both forums.  As many of you know, I was a mod at on the " other" board for about two weeks.


I did not like the behind the curtain comments about some of the posters made  by the mods and one of the mods was baiting a poster.  After complaints  by several posters about a mod's Nasty postings, I deleted the mod's nasty post.


It didn't turn out very well.  That mod made my life misterable and I was denied signing on privileges.  When I finally could sign on, I asked what happened and was told I was no longer a mod.


It was fun while it lasted, but my integrity is still intact.  I don't want to be part of back stabbing that goes on behind the scenes over there.

Just in case the mods on the other forum challenge me over my comments here, I do have screen shots of the comments they made for proof.


When the QVC forums are closed for good, I will miss all my friends on here.





I'm very sorry to hear that @Carmie 

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I'm so very sorry to hear all that.  And you were doing so much to help everyone here navigate to over there.  I'm sorry that it turned out to be a bad experience for you after all your hard work.

I don't like the sound of all that, but I thank you for posting about it.  I am posting there, and it is a somewhat different vibe than here.  While I haven't noticed any overt problems as yet, I can already see the potential.  It's something I'm watching.


I always appreciate your viewpoints and helpful information on many topics.  I hope we can continue to post here for a while at least.❤️

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@geezerette   to be honest, most of the mods there are wonderful.  IMO, there is only one bad egg and she is passive aggressive.


I am not losing any sleep over it.. I feel so much better away from it all.



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Registered: ‎03-20-2010


@Carmie wrote:

I finally am able to post here. yeah.


When  QVC forums are closed, I will be done with both forums.  As many of you know, I was a mod at on the " other" board for about two weeks.


I did not like the behind the curtain comments about some of the posters made  by the mods and one of the mods was baiting a poster.  After complaints  by several posters about a mod's Nasty postings, I deleted the mod's nasty post.


It didn't turn out very well.  That mod made my life misterable and I was denied signing on privileges.  When I finally could sign on, I asked what happened and was told I was no longer a mod.


It was fun while it lasted, but my integrity is still intact.  I don't want to be part of back stabbing that goes on behind the scenes over there.

Just in case the mods on the other forum challenge me over my comments here, I do have screen shots of the comments they made for proof.


When the QVC forums are closed for good, I will miss all my friends on here.





And so it begins...

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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@Carmie wrote:

I finally am able to post here. yeah.


When  QVC forums are closed, I will be done with both forums.  As many of you know, I was a mod at on the " other" board for about two weeks.


I did not like the behind the curtain comments about some of the posters made  by the mods and one of the mods was baiting a poster.  After complaints  by several posters about a mod's Nasty postings, I deleted the mod's nasty post.


It didn't turn out very well.  That mod made my life misterable and I was denied signing on privileges.  When I finally could sign on, I asked what happened and was told I was no longer a mod.


It was fun while it lasted, but my integrity is still intact.  I don't want to be part of back stabbing that goes on behind the scenes over there.

Just in case the mods on the other forum challenge me over my comments here, I do have screen shots of the comments they made for proof.


When the QVC forums are closed for good, I will miss all my friends on here.







*coming out of lurk mode*


I ventured over to the other forum when it was first started, and was quite surprised by the hurtful comments posted about Wisteria Lane and its host.


Here are a few examples, but there were many more.


One person said, "Too much repetitive clutter, cutsey graphics, and editorializing by the moderator"


Another person said, "the Delphi Wisteria Lane forums are busy and difficult to navigate"


And another person said, "it gave me anxiety with all the clutter"


After reading all of the not so nice things posted, I felt bad for Wisteria Lane's host. 


I didn't see any editorializing. What I did see was the host trying to give helpful hints and tips to make things easier for the new visitors. I don't find there to be any repetitive clutter, and there is a setting to turn off signature graphics, so only the text in each post is visible. I even read the host was open to suggestions and had no problem making changes to make people feel more comfortable. 


I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but what I read definitely rubbed me the wrong way.  Granted, it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I've been participating at Wisteria Lane for well over 15 years, and I find the people there to be courteous, helpful, and overall, very nice.  


If these QVC forums were to close, I would definitely miss your posts @Carmie.  I would also miss the posts from @Sammycat1 and everyone on the Pet Lovers threads.  Would you both consider posting at Wisteria Lane?  Although I don't post much, I am an avid reader, and I think it would be a great way to keep in touch.


I sincerely hope those who are not comfortable at the "other" forum know that Wisteria Lane is a nice place, and everyone is welcome.


*going back to lurk mode now*

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very sorry to hear that going on......but thank you for being honest. it is appreciated.


also very sorry that you experienced that as an admin.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@sunshine45   thank you.  I am over it, none worse for the wear.


I guess because I am not a person to stay quite when some thing is not right....I am not considered to be a team player.  I am used to it and don't intend to change.

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Posts: 19,595
Registered: ‎10-25-2010


@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

I finally am able to post here. yeah.


When  QVC forums are closed, I will be done with both forums.  As many of you know, I was a mod at on the " other" board for about two weeks.


I did not like the behind the curtain comments about some of the posters made  by the mods and one of the mods was baiting a poster.  After complaints  by several posters about a mod's Nasty postings, I deleted the mod's nasty post.


It didn't turn out very well.  That mod made my life misterable and I was denied signing on privileges.  When I finally could sign on, I asked what happened and was told I was no longer a mod.


It was fun while it lasted, but my integrity is still intact.  I don't want to be part of back stabbing that goes on behind the scenes over there.

Just in case the mods on the other forum challenge me over my comments here, I do have screen shots of the comments they made for proof.


When the QVC forums are closed for good, I will miss all my friends on here.





And so it begins...

And it won't end.  How long will it take you to post about my comments here  on the other forum?

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I joined Pro Boards the day they opened q forum friends.  I find it very user friendly and have not had much trouble figuring out things on my own.  There's always someone to help if you have a question.  There's also a "help" forum in the "General" category for members helping members.


We have a great group there.  They have told us that this forum will close in the New Year so it won't come as a surprise when they shut down.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I checked out both forum options before I registered with any.  I just found Wisteria Lane to be more confusing for me compared to the other forum.


I don't think that's hurtful to say.  I'm sure the posters there are fine and helpful just as you say.  Other people from here chose to join that one, I chose another option based on my preference.


I'm to the point that I wish everyone would recognize we each have choices and we should respect those choices, even if they're different from our own.  There are always going to be differences of opinions, but there isn't a wrong or right in this particular debate and there's certainly no reason to get nasty.