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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

@stevieb  For the record, I did not think your post were unkind. Just direct. And, as others have said, this forum  was not the venue due to unexpected responses. The OP already knows the answers to the questions posed. Cognitive dissonance.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

I have had many high school and college reunions.  In the beginning the spouses always attended. But as time has gone on only the classmates attend.  For my later reunions it was more fun to just relive our youth with the actual participants.  Spouses would have been totally bored. Trust me there was no hanky panky! Just fun reliving our youth with old friends.  

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

IMO I believe several things in your marriage are missing and that’s very unfortunate. DH and I wouldn’t go to any function alone but what works for some doesn’t work for others. 


Good luck and thanks for sharing. You’re not alone.


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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Actually i would not wabt to go to either my reunion or DHs. 

When some one called from my HS class O told them never to call me again.

Why? Think they are a little silly. Maybe a little pathetic.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

@Julie928Do you think he is hiding something.i don’t know your relationship but if you feel that meshing is wrong then you will have to discuss it with him.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

If his reason was that he wanted to interact with his former classmates without having to concern himself with your enjoyment he would have said so. Instead he lied about his reason.


If he wanted to reconnect with a former girlfriend, he would have been overly concerned with his appearance of late.


If not then his reason is obvious, he feels you would embarrass him by either your appearance or your behavior.  Men, in general, want to show off their wives/girlfriends. 

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

My husband went with me to my last reunion, he hated every minute of it. He even knew some of the people. Said he will stay home if I go to another one!😊

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

After thinking about this topic - my thoughts are.......what is your relationship/marriage like? Some relationships have more relaxed dynamics than others. For myself, I would have to wonder why my husband didn't want me at his HS reunion. It seems like you wait for him to make the moves - i.e., discuss the reunion, the time he came home, etc. I have to be honest - I would have a difficult time with my husband if he did this to me. I would not go to a reunion alone, unless my husband clearly told me he didn't want to go. 

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

@Julie928 wrote:

I decided to delete this thread because I felt it was going in the wrong direction.  I'm sorry to have wasted all of your time but do appreciate the insight so many of your provided.



@Julie928  You may have decided to delete this thread, but it’s still here. Not sure how you delete it.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Closed for commenting.