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Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

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I decided to delete this thread because I felt it was going in the wrong direction.  I'm sorry to have wasted all of your time but do appreciate the insight so many of your provided.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

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Well, if it’s any consolation, my dh would probably do the same thing...who knows why?? I can see why your hurt, as women, that’s how we react, as we are way more emotional than men...most of the time they don’t mean anything by it...we just look at things and react to situations different than them, and he probably didn’t put much thought into it..please stay on your positive journey, don’t let this derail your progress😀 

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

I do think you are overreacting. Do you know any of these people? Maybe he thought it would be boring if you did not know anyone and would have to stay with you instead of mingling & talking to his friends. I know at my reunions many went without their spouse as they were from different classes/Schools. Sounds like you do not trust him. Has he given you reason?

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

you have every right to feel hurt.  My husband had class reunions and he never went alone.   If my husband would’t Take me, I’d be mortified and angry to say the least.   I’m sorry your spouse treated you like you don’t count.  If my husband pulled that on me, it would be a cold day in hockey sticks before I’d ever speak two words to him again.  What your husband did is unforgivable.  

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

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Normally I am not upset if my DH go places without me and I encourage him to do so, but In your case if you wanted to go and his only excuse for not taking you is a dumb sorry excuse about the dogs, I would be upset too.


I hate to even say it, but there was another reason he went alone.  I am not buying his excuse.


My DH only went to one class reunion in his lifetime...I didn't want to go, so he went with a bunch of his male classmates.  He did not have a good time and never went to any again.


I have never gone to any of my class reunions.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

I've been to those reunions.  Feel lucky you got to stay home. 

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Don’t know your situation but if it were me, I wouldn’t read too much into it. Maybe he wanted to scope out the scene with his guy classmates. My husband went to his last one alone, but I told him no hon, I dont  have any interest in going...have at it. Go and enjoy. I would be bored stiff because I wouldn’t know anyone and then I would be egging him to leave. So he did, got home late and he just briefly touched on it the next day.  No biggie but we have been together 42 years, so we go it alone a lot and we are just fine with it. I need my independence and always have. 

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Hello @@Julie928, I don't know you or your history and how you have been working on yourself. To me, though, it sounds like your reactions and feelings are totally justified (not that feelings aren't - you feel what you feel). But, from your words and your perspective, it doesn't sound like your husband seems to respect you and I would wonder why he didn't want you to go with him and what he was planning to do when you weren't there. I hope you don't focus this internally and make it about you - HE was the one who was (apparently) thoughtless and unkind. You seem like you have worked hard to get out of a situation that was unhealthy - keep working on that and if he isn't helping you - well, that's a whole other issue. Please be kind to you!

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Out of curiosity....what ‘year’ reunion was it?

20 years..50 years?  

Or what is his age, if you choose to reveal.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

@CLHS68 ~ No, no reason for not trusting him, so-to-speak. 


Maybe I've been watching too many lifetime movies but I think I should have been there enjoying the evening with him.  Did I mention our anniversary was on Friday?  Would have been nice to have him home earlier last night and maybe watch a movie and connect with the man I've spent 10 years of my life with.


Maybe that's not how life is.  If that's the case I'd better get my head out of the clouds and get back to reality.