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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Honestly, he is your husband and it is your relationship. You should/have to work this one out yourself. Opinions will not resolve the issue.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

I read the post and do you think because of the age difference he thought you would not have enjoyed the reunion? I took my husband to my 35 year class reunion and he had more fun that I did...but I almost did not invite him because I thought he would be bored.  This may be something you have to discuss with your husband and no one else...I didn't want to go to my husband's reunion and had no issues with him going by himself...I do know there could be some apprehension about his classmates and those potential girls from high school LOL...but this is a decision only you will be able to make and I don't know if I would ask on a forum for advice...I hope everything works out for you regardless of whether or not he talks about the reunion or not!

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Do you know any of his friends? Did you just want to strut your stuff or really want to meet those people——- You should have gone then.  Otherwise I can’t think of something more boring than someone’s reunion where I knew no one. Think you are way over reacting and next time, go! This waiting to be invited to do something is a waste of time. If you have nothing to be worried about with hubby, then what the heck—- and getting home at 12:30 is not late. I’ve never been to my hubs reunions, have no desire and we’ve been married 42 years. He got home way later than that after a few of them. 

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

My dh and I are 17 years apart in age.....I have gone to 2 class reunions since our marriage about 40 years ago.....honestly there is such an age gap I really did not want him to go with me, and he didn't want to go! BUT his reunion....he WANTS me to go, so I do.  I have been to 3 of his....I had a nice time.


 I am more outgoing than he is and I know that if he went to my reunion, I would have spent time making sure he was having a was not bored, which was not why I wanted to go ...I wanted to visit with old friends and not worry about him.


At his reunion there was another wife that was just a tad older than me and we hit it off and visited with each other over the course of the evening, we had a nice time while our husbands caught up with one another.


If I was the OP I would be hurt that he did not tell me how the evening went but not sure what is meant by being late....did he say he would be home at a certain time?   My husband is a terrible commnicator, I have to ask a lot of questions sometimes which is irritating, but that is who he is.  


Did you @Julie928 know anyone from his class?  


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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

@sidsmom ~ 40 year reunion.  He is 58, I am 46.


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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

Don't give up on yourself .. keep up the good work ....

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion


Keep focusing on you!

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

He knew you wanted to go with him, he should have taken you, period .

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

I would be thrilled for him to just go & have fun without me having to go along and pretend to be interested in all of those people.  I would think it would be boring for those who didn't attend the school listening to all of the reminiscing.


I wouldn't be hurt but we've been married for almost 37 years. To me some alone time is nice.


Thinking about it if I went to one of my reunions (which I never have but have discussed possibly doing with an old friend), I wouldn't want my husband tagging along.  I would want to get caught up with old friends without worrying about my husband sitting there expecting me to make sure he's introduced and having a good time.


I guess I don't understand those who need to do everything with their spouse.

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Re: Husband Didn't Take Me To His H.S. Reunion

I get that opinions on this forum will not resolve the matter.  I'm just curious how some of you would react and yes, I would like to know if I am overreacting.  That's it.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Sometimes it helps to just type it out and get it out of your system.