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Your sharings are wonderful! Thank you. I'm reading each and taking notes.
I'm at the gate. Planning. My heart driven pretty routinely with " it's time". It's not economically nor in the season our country seems to be in, but looking ahead I believe it will be a wise decision. Small spaces can be beautiful spaces. Too much overhead steals peace and money I don't want to waste.
As I've said here a few times in recent months, I'm working to sustain minimalism. I only need so much The more I have the more it requires in upkeep. I have a new grandbaby coming next year and I don't want to be attached to all the things that drain my days. Yes, I love gardening and I've HAD many. Yes I've had houses to decorate and I did that. I collected pretty items, and had social lives for lots of clothes but slowly I changed and evolved into today. I'm just not that interested to sustain all my energy towards all that. I have my son who I'm walking with so ha can live as independent as possible. I have my faith and I continue doing for others .
It will be a good transition, it will come and I'm watching, waiting and thanks to all of you, a list of preparations.
Yep, lots to incorporate.
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@katie1859- Best of luck to you whenever you decide....I am sure you will make the right choice for you and what is important to you at this stage in your life..Take Care!

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Registered: ‎06-29-2015

@katie1859, you're exactly where I was, so I understand your crossroads.


From what you said, you've loved creating pretty homes, & I wonder if perhaps now that you're downsizing, you might think that's all in your past? That it's time for a more spartan way of life?

It isn't!


That's why in my initial post I mentioned living in a unique home; back then, I thought that once sold, I'd never ever live anywhere nearly as nice, or as pretty.

I was wrong! 


Katie, you are you, & regardless of where you are, you will make your next place every bit as beautiful as your other homes...& probably even better.


God bless you in taking that 1st step.

Muddling through...
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Registered: ‎02-02-2021

Re: House Downsizing

[ Edited ]

@Sooner wrote:

@Jo1313 wrote:

This is our 3rd house..We upsized!..Always wanted a house with lots of closets and a big kitchen I loved to cook..DH wanted to live in the country..

So I got my big kitchen and he got his country the middle of no where.We were much younger and I was plain stupid.


I was tired of being here after a yr...18 yrs. ago...Country people hate city people! After they ask a million questions they ignore you!..Not seeing me outside for a long time a couple had the nerve to "stop by" to ask my kid if I died.!

Needless to say my kid cursed them out..rightly so.


10 yrs. ago he developed heart issues.After he was feeling better..I got sick and spent months in the hospital and many surgeries.They told my kids to make funeral arrangements a few times..over a few years.I fooled them..I'm still here but broken down.


Now this place is my nightmare..As I've said before..when my kids have to empty this place there will be dumpsters lining the 400 ft. driveway.

@Jo1313 So sorry you are in this situation.  A suggestion:  How about when the kids come to visit have some cookies or snack of some sort and all sit down and go through one area even if just for an hour or so.

It might be fun, some laughs like "Where did you get this?"  "How come you still have this?"  "Is that ME?" and enjoy the memories, the fun, the work, and make memories along the way!  You might be surprised what you can accomplish--and how thankful you will be for help!  

My DIL's love coming here to "shop"..Besides family stuff I had a gift shop..The girls take things and the boys bring things to store here.. NYC apts. sre NOT known for spacious storage.
I have donated so many new things to the local animal shelter re-sale store..They just love me..LOL