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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: For the (Aspiring) Writers

Thanks for this @lolakimono!  I am a fiction writer, not published yet, but writing has been a lifelong passion. King's advice should be followed by all who write.  I am going into the New Year determined to complete my book that I have been working on for years.  I allowed life to get in the way and became stymied. I. also have 2 more I began a while back, those too will get completed sometime in the near future. I have a new found attitude and determination that emerged just before the holidays! I felt a weight lifted off of me and my creative side resurfaced. I feel renewed! So, your post was "write" on time!  LOL


If you are a writer, best to you in the coming year! 

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012

Re: For the (Aspiring) Writers

I just found out about a month ago that my 11 year old DGD loves to write.  I asked her to write a poem for my mil (her great grandmother) for Christmas.  It was called Legacy & breathtakingly beautiful.  

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Registered: ‎07-12-2013

Re: For the (Aspiring) Writers


Thanks @lolakimono!!!


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,916
Registered: ‎10-01-2010

Re: For the (Aspiring) Writers

Advice from the Master,I love numbers 11 and of course,14. Thanks @lolakimono.

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