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I've heard that if the field corn husks are really thick a very cold winter will follow.  Recently, a farmer's wife told me the husks are unusually thick this year in PA.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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just got my new copy of farmers almanac for 2017. A whole lot of changes happening for next year.


hurricane season is predicted to be all east coast storms next year the entire season.  


Summer for east coast is predicted to be cool and wet.


it was fun reading all the facts that happened  over the past several hundred years.



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Hang on to those predictions, and let's see how close they come. I hope the really cold one is way off!! LOL

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Dan Hughes said this morning that his sheep were really putting on the, what do you call it, fur/hair - help me out?


Anyways, he said they were getting hairy/wooly in August, a sure sign of bad winter.



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I would love to meet this farmer.  It is always wrong.  I will say this----fall is on the way as the love bugs are out early this year.  Since I live in Florida, I don't care lol

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Re: Farmer's Almanac

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama, Uggggggggggggghhh! Oh well, I have stuff to keep me inside and busy. Hope no emergencies for anyone if it gets rough to get out and about! That's usually the worst of it, along with power outages. You know!! LOL


Edited to add: Our leaves are changing now.

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I don't mind cold winters so much....I don't like the EXTREMES in weather.....bitter cold for a month or more.... or winter storm after winter storm.....


Sleet and freezing rain scare me....driving in it and losing power...