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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

I totally agree with having a t.v.,there are so many things to watch educational informative and enjoyable.  I have a computer but am not glued to it.  I am not on facebook. I would not be on for the whole world to know my business and who my friends are. Everything you say and do are out there. Give me my t,v and I am happy.  I also read a lot too.

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think am crazy!!

@castlenv wrote:

We do have TVs but I would quickly give them up before I gave up my computer.  Can go for days without the TV but only hours without the internet!

I'm just the opposite of you! It could be my age, I remember very well what life was like pre-Internet! I personally believe it has done more harm than good! Now, before the hate mail starts pouring in, this is only my opinion. However, if it were my choice not to have a tv, I would not feel the need to apologize to anyone! If the topic came up, I'd simply say I enjoy doing so many other things, I'd never find time to turn on a tv! And, when you feel left out of conversations, instead of doing something you don't really enjoy, try changing the subject. Ask if anyone has read xyz book, or seen the latest play. Or, talk about a new breed of flower you are growing, etc! Life's too short to let anyone guilt you into doing anything you don't want! If this doesn't suit your friends, get new friends!

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

@JasoninBoston wrote:

I haven't had a TV for most of my adult life. 

People who come into my house are always shocked that I don't have one.

While I like having more time to read and not get sucked into watching things I shouldn't, I do find sometimes there are certain things I "miss".  Every so often there will be a conversation with a group of friends or coworkers about a particular show that I am totally clueless about! 


I just got Netflx thinking that would be interesting to see some of these must-see shows that friends discuss.  So far I am not so sure I am keeping it!!

Does anyone else not have a TV and maybe fills similarly ambivalent about getting one?



We do have two TVs.


We no longer have cable, so we don't watch as much TV programming as we used to watch.


One TV is a digital TV that has an antenna that my husband put on it, so that we can pick up some local and regional TV stations. 


The other TV is an older one that we just use now for watching DVDs.


We had cable but the cost just became too much of an expense for us, so we no longer have it.


I also like to read and listen to music/radio, and surf the internet, too. 

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

@Noel7 wrote:

@Tyak wrote:

@JasoninBoston wrote:

I haven't had a TV for most of my adult life. 

People who come into my house are always shocked that I don't have one.

While I like having more time to read and not get sucked into watching things I shouldn't, I do find sometimes there are certain things I "miss".  Every so often there will be a conversation with a group of friends or coworkers about a particular show that I am totally clueless about! 


I just got Netflx thinking that would be interesting to see some of these must-see shows that friends discuss.  So far I am not so sure I am keeping it!!

Does anyone else not have a TV and maybe fills similarly ambivalent about getting one?



I have 4 tv's in the house but honestly, tv has become a vast wasteland of c r a p for viewing.  Scrolling through the guide on my cable company, most times we can find absolutely nothing worth watching.  So OP, you're really not missing much at all.



There is no way anyone can rightfully call PBS a vast wasteland of dreck.  

I'll give you that Noel, it's not always a vast wasteland, once in a while, PBS does have good programming.   I never miss AR and sometime their concerts will interest me.  But, for the other channels, pretty much nothing.

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

@sunshine 919 wrote:

@JasoninBoston wrote:

I haven't had a TV for most of my adult life. 

People who come into my house are always shocked that I don't have one.

While I like having more time to read and not get sucked into watching things I shouldn't, I do find sometimes there are certain things I "miss".  Every so often there will be a conversation with a group of friends or coworkers about a particular show that I am totally clueless about! 


I just got Netflx thinking that would be interesting to see some of these must-see shows that friends discuss.  So far I am not so sure I am keeping it!!

Does anyone else not have a TV and maybe fills similarly ambivalent about getting one?



@JasoninBoston wrote:

I haven't had a TV for most of my adult life. 

People who come into my house are always shocked that I don't have one.

While I like having more time to read and not get sucked into watching things I shouldn't, I do find sometimes there are certain things I "miss".  Every so often there will be a conversation with a group of friends or coworkers about a particular show that I am totally clueless about! 


I just got Netflx thinking that would be interesting to see some of these must-see shows that friends discuss.  So far I am not so sure I am keeping it!!

Does anyone else not have a TV and maybe fills similarly ambivalent about getting one?



When I grew up there was no internet.  So I could get along without it.  I have always loved TV so I would keep the tv.  I love watching TVLAND, PBS, Turner Classic movies.



@sunshine 919


When I grew up there was no TV. However I was a whole big bunch of decades younger. There were many radio shows to which I loved listening. I, even though very young. always saw in my head what was happening. What everyone looked like in my own personal in-head video screen.





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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

There is no TV in my living room, I have one in my bedroom, but I don't subscribe or need cable or that other stuff that's offered. I have enough channels just on the basic tv. I don't watch reality shows. I love the create channel,pbs,old movies, justice channel.metv, etc. I love books, magazines ( not celebrity magazines). I have a computer, but I mostly use my I pad for quick searches or just basic stuff that strikes my interest. My TV is mostly background noise while I craft, read a book,play with my dogs, or talk on the phone.

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

I have one tv, nothing fancy,but i enjoy pbs very much, also local news,and cnn.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

I am not a TV Addict, but there are certain shows I enjoy watching, and there is upcoming NFL Season that I wouldn't want to miss nor would my husband. I do like a good book as well and read often.....Like I said I am not glued to my t.v. but do enjoy certain things!I would definitely miss it. 

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

I have one tv in my house and it is turned on in the morning to watch the morning news before heading to work.  I leave the TV on so the dogs can have somthing to watch and hear so they are not so bored.  Crazy, but they do seem to watch and react when animals are on, so they get tv time. When I return from work, the tv stays on until bedtime, but it is really just for noise.  We watch a few programs a week, but the tv stays, I really never have thought of not having one.

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Re: Does anyone else not have a TV? All my friends think I am crazy!!

One Television on lower level.


PBS, Occasionally a good ( older movie) on weekends.


TV is watched only in the evening hours for news.


 On an average, with a few exceptions, I definitely am 

observant in knowing that what we had seen: 95 percentage of 

availability \ imo\ junk \ { most } is mindless Nothing.


I expressively enjoy National Public Radio.


I love to read or be occupied with research.


 "... definitely understand the importance of COMPANY for those patients who are bedridden or totally dependent on voices to compensate no real live person throughout the day(s)".


 Something very sad about being anesthetic in having to be entertained by a machine.