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Doctor appointment rescheduled

My husband had a Doctor's appointment scheduled 6/3/2021. He got a letter in the mail to reschedule the appointment. He thought maybe the Doctor had left the practice.


He called the Doctor's office today to reschedule. They are not doing face to face office visits. And he was to reschedule for a video appointment. 


Guess this is the new normal.



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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

Here in Florida, most doctors are keeping appointments but the procedure is different.  This was my experience yesterday when I went to my doc who has an office at the hospital but in a connected building.  God help you if you don't have a Smartphone nowadays.


All paperwork is sent electronically first.  Then, an hour before the appointment, you get a text telling you that you need to click on a link when you park your car which will then notify the office you have arrived.  Once you've done that, you are texted back a message telling you to enter the building/office.  Masks are required, of course, to enter the building.  At the lobby reception desk, someone asks questions (Covid-related) and someone takes your temperature, then you get a sticker to wear stating what your temperature reading was and that you've been screened.  Only then are you allowed to proceed to your appointment.  Masks must remain on at all times.


It took a while with all the texting back and forth, but no one else was in the elevator, no one else is in the doc's office except the staff, and it's just safer.

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

Except for the dentist and the ophthalmologist, all other doctors' appointments this year have been conducted via iPad. My husband and I had rechecks with our internist, who couldn't get her computer to work properly. We all had to wait an extra half hour before she resolved the problem. When I hear that these virtual appointments are treatments of the future, all I can say is that the future has not yet arrived.

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

@BarbiHollywood  That's interesting. We live in Florida, too, and the only thing different than a regular appointment is that you have to wear a mask and do social distancing. Our doc is in a medical building attached to a hospital and we just walked in (they did check our temperature at the door) and went straight to our doc's office, checked in and sat down. They had us fill out the paperwork in the waiting room. Now I am wondering what is going on since your experience is so different. Hmmm....

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

[ Edited ]

@drizzellla  Wonder what he know that no one else does? That's a very long advance (June, 2021) to be canceling and rescheduling appointments. I'd be searching for a more positive-thinking physician to see in the future. Most of my physicians/specialists have continued to see me in person throughout this pandemic after having a LPN check my temperature, ask health questions and make sure I'm wearing the correct kind of mask to keep their employees (as well as me) safe. 

Only my DDS was actually closed for several months, except for emergencies. My heart went out to all three DDS and their staff during that financial loss. You know expenses continued for all of them and it must have been difficult. 


I also have appointments scheduled for far into 2021 and continue to keep them. I'm planning to think positive; we may live with masks (which are great things IMO), but we will continue to live life!            

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

My doctor is still seeing patients in person. He wears a mask plus a shield. There was nobody in the waiting room when I showed up. They must be social distancing appts?

I'm suppose to have an ultrasound plus hida scan but I think I will wait until next year if I can.

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

[ Edited ]

I'm here in the PNW and my doctor's appointment wasn't handled much differently than before the pandemic.  He has his office in the hospital.  My temperature was taken when I entered the hospital and then his waiting room had the seating arrangement far apart.  Of course every patient had to be wearing a mask as did the entire staff.  


They asked you the usual questions upon checking in such as have you been in feeling ill or in contact with anyone diagnosed wiith Covid.


I really wasn't overly concerned about keeping my annual appointment.  Since my doctor is a Cardiologist a virtual appointment wouldn't have been feasible.  


Both my husband and I have had our 6 month appointments with our dentists for our cleanings.   


I'm much more concerned about limiting my time in grocery stores and other stores than I am in my medical appointments.   If we absolutely need to go to a store we get up very early and make sure we are the first people in the store.  We quickly get what we need and get out before many others come in.


We are doing all we can to stay safe and trying not to put ourselves in a situation where we come in close contact with others.  

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

I had a virtual appointment last month and it was great. 15 minutes on the phone, she asked me for by blood pressure number, she ordered an annual blood test and I was on my way. No driving, no mask, no waiting.

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Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

@drizzellla wrote:

My husband had a Doctor's appointment scheduled 6/3/2021. He got a letter in the mail to reschedule the appointment. He thought maybe the Doctor had left the practice.


He called the Doctor's office today to reschedule. They are not doing face to face office visits. And he was to reschedule for a video appointment. 


Guess this is the new normal.



@drizzellla  I do not understand how a Doctor can do a good physical if they do not touch you? My Husband's Doctor found a  abdominal Arotic Aneurysm  that my husband had to have surgery on to repair....could not have found this without the doctor feeling my Husbands stomach area....a phone call physical is not complete.  People are going to miss things that could be life or death.


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Posts: 7,719
Registered: ‎02-22-2015

Re: Doctor appointment rescheduled

@Nightowlz  Go for your ultrasound! I had one done plus some other vaginal testing on Monday. My Gyn. and her RN were both practicing COVID safety and I'm so thankful it's over and was simply an UTI. Picked up a prescription on the way home and felt so much better within 12 hours! 

Money screams; wealth whispers.