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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

I think that mid-life crisis thing or whatever you call it --- can be used by a lot of people as an excuse for bad behavior or a period to have affairs or whatever.  I don't think it's a real thing, actually.  I think as we age, we all experience it differently.  It doesn't bother some of us that much and others it does.  If you are bothered by, say, your appearance declining, then you might try different beauty products, to make yourself look and feel better.  If you're a man, you might try to get more physically fit or you might buy a fancy car, thinking this might make you more appealing or appear more youthful.  I think the majority of it all is based on the level of confidence you have or don't have.  If you have pretty much based your self worth on your looks in the past, and then as you age, these looks decline, then I guess you try whatever you can to try and regain your lost confidence or self worth.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

What the heck do you think menopause is?

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

[ Edited ]

I think some PEOPLE go through a midlife crisis or if not crisis a period in which they question their lives and choices.  It's not about gender.  I don't know why anyone would think that.  At 50 or so some people realize that they aren't where they expected to be in life; don't have the career they expected to have; don't have the income or happiness they expected to have and.... there is no do over.  

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

No "Boos" please, but I think the term mid-life crisis is a fine excuse for exhibiting sometimes unforgivable behavior.  

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

I didn't know that traditional thought is that men only go through a mid-life crisis.  I think it is normal and that most people go through this.  I do not mean cheating, or spending a lot of money on personal appearance.  At some point in our lives, we realize that the younger days are behind us and we come to terms, in different ways, of how to move on, move forward and accept the reality that we may not be the pretty girl at the party turning heads, that we may not be the handsome guy on the beach, our social life may slow down, etc, etc.  It can be a traumatic time, especially if you are used to garnering attention for your looks.

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

@crawford5153 wrote:



Just interested in what other ladies have to say about women having a midife crisis?  Like excessive spending on material things or trying to look youthful once again?  Just a thought so fill in your opinions.  May be interesting to hear lol.




Women go through something...midlife crisis or just mortality setting in.  I think I am going through mine now that the kids are out of college and sucessfully on their own.  


My social life has boomed, better than it's been in 20 years. I'm doing things I've never done before -- taking a cruise, touring Central America and a some of South America, zip-lining in the Costa Rica jungle, charity work, political work, wearing yoga pants, and all kinds of things.  I no longer wear corporate-looking glasses - my last pair was a bright pinkish/reddish blend.  I've had more compliments on them than any pair I've worn in the last 60 years.   Life is what you make it.  Do good things for others and you'll be happier too.  

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

I honestly don't believe in the "mid-life crisis" BS. If you are vain, then you'll opt for surgery/BOTOX/fillers, whatever regardless of age. Men are just ridiculous, and need an excuse lol  (: 

Aging is difficult and once you turn 50, I think life gets a little scarier. I think people start to think about their mortality more and we are dealing with aging parents and illness. 

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

[ Edited ]



I just now returned to this thread and read your message.  No one agrees with you more than I, especially as I'm the sort who believes in being steadfastly available and always present when needed.  This is how I live presently.  Could not agree with you more. 


However, there is a notable difference in the type and frequency of need between the need when children are in your care in the home and when they have ventured out into the world.  Plus, they want to be honored for their independence, and as a good parent, one typically has to wait for the child to seek him or her out for help.


But I do have "stealth" methods of bringing up topics or leading to discussions that I think my child might need to think about because I sense something is wrong or they are unhappy.  I must do this very quietly and delicately, though.

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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???




I know you addressed "other ladies"  but! Here I am anyways.    =^..^=



Hmm! Based on your thread title I guess you assume that about men. Being Male, I am not sure what exactly what that references. Gravity/Drive/Ambition/Weight/Fitness?  My only crises had to do with life and death health issues when I was 63 through 77 years old. Other than those issues, not sure what "that period" for men might be!





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Re: Do you think women go thru a midlife period like men do???

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

I don't think most men or women have midlife crises. I think that's more a storyline in movies than reality for most people.






And I totally agree.









