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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

@tantallum wrote:

@Alsee wrote:

My feeling is that I know we're buying a gift. Why not buy something they want, and it saves the Mom from all the "what does he want" calls.

A real ti Seaver for me and I appreciate that.


I guess.  Logically you are right.  But it just seems like every single event now has become a transaction. 

I still can't get over kindergarten graduation parties......

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

This is just too forward, too gift grabby, in my opinion.  I always give a book knowing it can be passed on if it is a duplicate.  The parents should buy the basics and the college education themselves.

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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

I suppose it's no longer PC to buy a child a toy with which he could just have fun.   If kids start getting gift certificates for college,  they're going to ask to skip the party. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

I was born during WW2..........during rationing.    My dad MADE my toys, mostly out of wood..............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

A 2 year old only wants TOYS!!  Not money, not clothes, just toys.  Just another example of parents who think they and their children are so important and special.

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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

I'm on the fence with this one. I think a registery for a small child is over the top. But, if I had to choose, I'd probably give money for college. I know when my daughter had birthday parties, the amount of toys she received was ridiculous. Some went unopened and I ended up donating them.


I agree with @KarenQVC books are always a great gift. 

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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

It does sound a bit odd, but when my kids were it grade school, I remember asking what they would like and getting a lot of "I don't know" so this would save a time and money. 

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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

Never heard of it. The only choice I was given for my birthday was the flavor of cake my mom made.
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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

To me this is just another example of over-programming of children's lives. And this is for a 2-year-old? What's wrong with the anticipation and excitement of opening presents, being pleasantly surprised, or sometimes disappointed? That's life. I think that having a gift registry for children is a bad idea. Just let kids be kids. Parents need to stop micromanaging children's lives. Parents have enough responsibilities. This is totally unnecessary.

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Re: Do children register for birthday parties?

After reading all these I find I am agreeing with both sides and also thinking- if I think in terms of this modern day and what so many (esp the "younger" generation) is doing now, instead of thinking what we used to do, it doesn't seem so unappealing.

And of course I have gotten from registrys for the past several years. I wonder when they started. And maybe there is a way to get something from the registry and just a small personal something to addSmiley Happy

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