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Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

We were in a store yesterday and the woman in front of us in the line had spent $3.17 (which she had borrowed from her companion) and needed to spend $5.00 to put a few items on her Master card. Her friend either did not have the $2.00 nor did she( the customer ) have any cash. I am just curious. 

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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

Very little, just a couple of dollars, but the dollar store I frequent also has a rule of 5 mimumum to charge. 

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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

Yes I carry cash, around $100. I still use cash for paying my groceries and buying gas. The problem people have today is that saying "outta sight, outta mind". When you use plastic, be it debit or credit, you have the tendency to overspend and bust your budget. Cash is your reality check.


BTW I ran into the same issue at the grocery store. Two youngins in front of me had a total purchase of $2.71 and between the two of them they couldn't come up with the cash so she charged it. 

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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

Just a few dollars and some change.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

I do.  I go to the bank once a week.  My husband laughs at me...until he needs cash for something. 

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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

In one of Dan Brown's books he says "Only cash is cash".

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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

I carry about $15 in cash in case I want to give some to the homeless I see while I'm out.  Other then that, I put it on the card for rewards and tracking of my spending.

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

We like charging since our credit card gives us a cash rebate, so by charging we make our money work for us and we always pay it off in full so we pay no interest. 

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Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

We were in a store yesterday and the woman in front of us in the line had spent $3.17 (which she had borrowed from her companion) and needed to spend $5.00 to put a few items on her Master card. Her friend either did not have the $2.00 nor did she( the customer ) have any cash. I am just curious. 

@Group 5 minus 1   I always carry cash.  For me...Credit cards are just an incentive to spend accumulate interest and debt.   I am down to one regular bank credit card in case of emergency.  I do have a Q card, but pay it off anytime I have a balance.  
I think I am in the minority though...because everyone I see shopping uses plastic.  🤷🏻‍♀️

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: Do any of you carry cash when shopping?

[ Edited ]

I carry $10 cash in my wallet for donut money.  A lot of local donut places are cash-only, so I give myself $10 once in a while just to get donuts. 😊🍩