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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@bargainsgirl wrote:

Ken does have a much better hair style, Robert has a skin disorder or something like that, but how about Marlo Thomas?  She looked terrible in the last ad I saw for St. Jude's.  Very bad facial work.  Some people should just try aging naturally.  She was a very attractive lady now she she looks clownish and overly plump.  Awful.

@bargainsgirl  Yes.  There is an age that you just have to stop with the plastic surgery and accept the fact you are 80....Jane Fonda is at that point....she is starting to look like a freak now too. 

So true saw Marlo Thomas also  and have to say anyone that age group should  be glad they are still on this earth ,breathing with all their facilities and forget about  seeing the plastic surgeon. Why can't they just age naturally and accept the lines and wrinkles ,like most of us have to do.Think in European countries  women accept aging much better.

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

@depglass wrote:

And here I thought Robert Redford's wrinkles were from the sun.  Are you people sure he had unsucessful plastic surgery?  Sounds like an Enquirer story.  

Some years ago I read that he has some sort of skin disorder.  If you look closely at his young film days you can sort of see the roughness to his complexion.  Still a handsome man though.  I don't recall hearing he ever had bad plastic surgery.

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?


@D Kaywrote:

Don't know about botox but he finally stopped wearing that almost beatles syle haircut he used to wear. It wasn't flattering in the least. .... Also don't know what you mean about Robert Redford. He had plastic surgery years ago that absolutely ruined his handsome face.

I love Robert... but those bad wigs he wears just ruins it for me.... he could afford better or just skip the rugs

SeaMaiden, you bring up a good point. I've seen a lot of wealthy people with bad hairpieces (we just to make fun of them when I worked drive-through at McDonald's) and it always makes me wonder why they wear such a cheap, obvious hairpiece. Certainly they can afford something better?

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?


Who is Ken Burns ?

google him

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

I didn’t recognize Marlo Thomas recently on TV but for her voice. I looked up and thought that can’t be her !
I know we all are aging but her face so plump and absolutely no winkles at all it looks strange.
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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

We watch and love everything Ken Burns does.

Marlo Thomas is (was) a beautiful woman. I bet she would be a beautiful older woman,too. But she's decided to go the way of so many and ruin her face. Too bad and sad. You know she can't be happy when she looks in a mirror.

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

Love Ken Burns documentaries! I always learn something that I think-why didn’t I listen in school!! 📖
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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

[ Edited ]

I haven't seen Ken Burns in a long time, but I mostly remember his awful hairstyle . If he has finally changed it and got rid of the bangs, then he has to look much better. Robert Redford, like so many other handsome or beautiful Hollywood stars, don't need to do any surgery to try and look almost always makes them unrecognizable. 

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

The most noticeable mistake I have noticed on many are the cheek implants. The face just looks puffy, swollen, and unnatural, like they are on meds. I think Marlo had the cheek implants. Some overdue the eye lifts and now look permanently surprised. Meg Ryan was always so cute, I think she was one of the first I recall doing the "trout lips" thing . She was so cute before that.  I noticed Dolly Parton has done something to her mouth; she know has the Jack Nicholson Joker mouth. I was sad to see this. I remember the first time after I saw Kenny Rogers after his major face change I almost cried. I didn't even know who he was. The Kardashians I don't ever watch or follow but the few pics I have been unable to avoid are freakish. I could never tell you who any of them are now, especially the younger ones. And to think so many Hollywood surgeons are making millions changing peoples faces to look like someone else.

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Re: Did Ken Burns get botox?

@bargainsgirl wrote:

Ken does have a much better hair style, Robert has a skin disorder or something like that, but how about Marlo Thomas?  She looked terrible in the last ad I saw for St. Jude's.  Very bad facial work.  Some people should just try aging naturally.  She was a very attractive lady now she she looks clownish and overly plump.  Awful.

@bargainsgirl I caught Marlo in A Magical Christmas Village, a recent Hallmark movie.  Pretty unrecognizable.  As you said, some obvious "facial work".  However, she is 85, which is hard to believe.  I still catch her on That Girl and see her once in a while on Friends repeats (Rachel's mom).  So, she sort of stays "frozen in time".