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Registered: ‎03-24-2018

Re: Death of friend of 61 years

HeartI am so sorry for your loss of your dear friend. God Bless you and all her friends too. 💔

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Re: Death of friend of 61 years

A friend is a gift you give to yourself.


So wonderful to have had this gift for 61 years.


A friend is a soul mate and will always be part of you. You carry this friendship everywhere you go and everyday you live.


Friendship such as this is a gift of sharing, trust, believing and enduring the best and worse of another.


So fortunate of you and your friend to have done this. You were both blessed with each other.


You are ever Blessed by this friend.

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Re: Death of friend of 61 years

So sorry for you loss

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Death of friend of 61 years

My deepest sympathies, so sorry for your loss.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,107
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: Death of friend of 61 years

I am so sorry for your loss.  I have a best friend whom I met at the beginning of Jr. High.  We are still friends even tho DH and I moved across the country ten years ago.  We both turned 70 this year!  Take care of yourself..... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Death of friend of 61 years

@Mi47 So sorry for your loss, but how wonderful to have such a special friend of 61 years.  You were both a blessing to each other.  

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Re: Death of friend of 61 years

@Mi47  Sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

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Re: Death of friend of 61 years

@Mi47 wrote:

My friend of 61 years died suddenly Monday night in her sleep.  We met the first day of jr. High and remained friends for life.  So many memories and more to make.  Every year I would return to my home state and we would have our annual day together.  We missed it this year because of covid and I was planning to do the trip in May.  I'm heartbroken and devastated beyond belief.  RIP my sweet dear friend.  💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔

So very sorry for your loss. I lost a friend from college 5 years ago. She was only 65 and was found on the bathroom floor where she apparently had slipped and hit her head on the tile floor. I thnk of her often and miss her so much. She was one of those people that was completely honest and did not take **** from anyone. Rare and special. I hope your friend is with my friend. Again, so very sorry for your loss.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Death of friend of 61 years

Virtual hug sent your way.