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I was on my way to work when my brother called. I answered the phone cheerfully, having no idea what had happened. He asked where I was and I replied that I was on my way to work and I knew something terrible was wrong when he instructed me to pull my car over so he could tell me the shocking and horrific news.

My stomach still ties in knots and my chest hurts remembering that devastating day. Though we went in to work, no work was done as we listened to the news broadcast in shock and tears.
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I was ordering something on the phone.They guy taking the order wouldn't let me off the phone..they hadn't gotten the feed yet..I put the phone next to the TV so he could hear it.He was relaying it to the people in his office.


My 1 kid was on the roof of his work building when the second tower got hit..his building was right across the river..My other 1 was in school..He's the one who worked on the new tower..that used to give him chills.


My sibling was on a conference call with a sister company that was in the Towers..none of them made it out.


I could go on and on..that day is never far from my mild..

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@NYCLatinaMe : So sorry for you and everything that happened that horrible day.Plus dealing with the painful memories.🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

I was just getting to my office at 8:15a, everyone's phone started ringing at once, some people were crying. We had a television in the lounge area which was only for use for important events (hurricanes) for the most part. Everyone watched in horror as each event too place. I don't think I will ever forget that. 

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I was just starting my day (on computer, from home, telecommuter).  I instantly said "Osama bin Laden."  My husband asked what I said.  I was shivering.  I feared that the military base nearby (5 miles as the crow flies it would be hit) and I had friends at the Pentagon and one who had gone to the Tower that day on business.  I got on my phone to call my children and tell them I loved them.  About that time my pot rack fell and all my pots were all over the kitchen and I thought we had been attacked.  My heart almost stopped.  Then I went to kitchen and saw what it was.  Friend who had gone to the Tower that day did not make it.  Friends at the Pentagon helped others out.  It's a memorable day, similar, in our modern day minds, to Pearl Harbor for my family.

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I was working part-time taking orders at a JC Penny call center and that day got the early shift starting at 7am.


We worked for a short while then a customer told me a building had been bombed in NYC.  Shortly thereafter the phones went silent and we twiddled our thumbs until the end of our shifts.   Somebody put a TV in the break room so we took turns going to watch it.


My parents lived nearby so I went to their house and we spent hours in front of the TV.  It became a horrible  fascination.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Absolutely I remember..driving to a larger city to shop for a girl weekend away....I got lost on the way home because I was not paying attention, to focused on the radio coverage.

Like most others DH and I were glued to the TV the rest of the day and days after, in total disbelief.


My friends and I wanted to cancel our weekend trip but husbands told us to was an outside artisan event about 3 hours away.  When we got to the event the vendors thanked us for coming.


Watching every year just makes me tear up.

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I was working.  I always had my radio on to an all-news station.  When the news came on, I went and told our company CEO and they turned on the TV for employees ot watch.

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Registered: ‎12-24-2014

Yes, i remember. I worked in Tower 2. We heard a very loud noise and thought a helicopter crashed into the building. Until we saw part of the building falling down.

We all felt something very wrong was happening. We ran down the stairs and reached the lobby.

 There was a security man telling us to go back to our office - not to leave the building--

he said something happened to Tower 1. We did not listen to him (thank God)

We ran out and it was like a war zone. Parts of the building- all kinds of debris -were falling all around us. but we kept going. We ran to South Street Seaport.

Miraculously, i got a taxi that drove me home! I was praying the rosary all the way home!

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@CarolinaGirl88 wrote:

I was in my classroom (teaching 3rd grade at that time); the principal came in, did not speak at all, but handed me a slip of paper which told the basics of what was happening. The last sentence was, "Please refrain from showing emotion in front of the children." That was very hard to do. I'm sure it was equally hard for him to go into each and every classroom with that piece of paper. What a horrible time for our country. My heart goes out to everyone who was directly affected by these horrendous events. Smiley SadHeart

@CarolinaGirl88  Same exact way it was handled in my school when I was teaching.  Principal came to the classroom door with a written note explaining what had happened.  It was asked to not say anything to the 3rd grade students nor to show any emotion in the classroom  


We did have two teachers whose husbands worked in the Trade Centers and they were taken down to the principal's office until such time as communication was made with the spouses that they were okay. 

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!