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[ Edited ]

Where were you and /or what you were doing when 9/11 happened?


I was with DH when he was getting an MRI for an arm injury. The waiting room had a TV and we were shocked watching to say the least.


We have since gone to NY to see the rebuilt Trade Centers and memorials several times.

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I'll always remember!  I'd just had sinus surgery and was home from work recuperating that day.  I watched the television in horror as both planes crashed into the buildings.😔😔😔❤️❤️❤️

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I was in my classroom (teaching 3rd grade at that time); the principal came in, did not speak at all, but handed me a slip of paper which told the basics of what was happening. The last sentence was, "Please refrain from showing emotion in front of the children." That was very hard to do. I'm sure it was equally hard for him to go into each and every classroom with that piece of paper. What a horrible time for our country. My heart goes out to everyone who was directly affected by these horrendous events. Smiley SadHeart

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[ Edited ]

@Shanus @cheriere 


LOL a Reddit abbreviation applies to my post here...



(Too long/didn't read)


Hi on this memorable day.


I was working as a teacher for SPED (Texas) during my class periods in the Learning Lab.

So, of course I had no idea.

Then a teacher friend of mine motioned me to come into the glass-windowed office.

The expression on her face was unreadable to me.

You know... when something is serious you can just tell.

The office had a television ... and there it was...the first of TWO...incomprehensible!

I kept looking at the other two teachers to tell me it wasn't true.

We were instructed to return to our regular classes...mine was downstairs in a classroom to teach math...and we were told not to tell the students.

[The admin was hoping the parents would be the ones to tell their students...fat chance!]

But one cannot imagine how fast news travels "thru the grapevine"

The bell rang, the students filtered in for class and they were very quiet.

After a few minutes one by one they said "Miss, do you know?"


After about student #5 wanting to tell or obtain information, they all then knew.


I have to give them kudos tho...the ones who knew first were being careful not to upset the others.❤️


ETA: my DD called me from college...she was a freshman so had not been away from home long. Still in the learning lab, I took the call from her. She asked me IF I WAS OK?  I remember being amazed and asking her IF SHE WAS OK?
Yes, she said, but she was worried about me. Why? Because she said, "You know, mom, a big metropolitan city and everything..."]❤️

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I was on my way home from work (graveyard shift)...when I got in the house, my aunt was calling me from Chicago.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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I was on my way to work from Brooklyn to lower Manhattan. The first plane crashed while I was in the battery tunnel and the second when I was standing on the streets of Lower Manhattan, I thought I would never see any one I loved again. I covered my head and got to my office when I lived out the horrors of the buildings falling. Its funny other than the sound of the buildings falling I have no memories sounds of that day 

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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I was working in the dental office and a patient came in and asked if we knew what was happening.   Of course, we did not and she told us a plane had hit one of the towers in NY and that's all she knew.   So we were thinking it was some idiot in a single engine plane.   Little did we know the scope of it all.   Our office always played cd's all day not the radio.  We changed it over and worked in shock the rest of the day.   My brother being x- military kept calling me at work later that day to fill me in on what was happening.  He returned to that frame of mind that day..........I'll never forget it.  

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Oh such a sad, sad day. I remember it just like it was yesterday.


My DH and I were at a motorhome repair center (at the manufacturer) in Indiana waiting in the customer lounge when it came across all the TVs in the room. Everything stopped and people gathered to watch (and pray).


Speculation was going like crazy, and when I called someone back home a little later they said all the gas stations were packed, though now I'm hazy on why exactly (people worried about prices skyrocketing, or lack of gas if something else happened?). Rumors abounded about exactly who, why, what, where.


A terrifying, heartbreaking time. I still have a hard time watching any video showing how the events unfolded that day. Woman Sad







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[ Edited ]

@Shanus : I was at home. I was on the computer trying to order for DH birthday some German Bread from a New Jersey bakery and the site went down. My brother was a civil service employee at Ft. Benning , Ga. He called and told me to turn the tv on. Then DH called from work and told me to turn the tv on.

Brother was stuck on post and not able to make any calls. He was a bus driver transporting troops from different locations on post. He said everything was very active including the post air field.

DH was retired military. That evening, our phone was busy with calls from army buddies. I was glued to the tv. We ordered pizza and took forever. Delivery driver said it had been crazy with extra orders. We gave him water, extra snacks and a very good tip.

I was retired and stayed up all night watching tv.I was crying and doing a lot of praying. I had a childhood friend that had moved to New York but not near the site. It took several days to here from her. She said this was very scary and the worst thing ever for her and her family.


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This is very painful.  I came here not to think about this.


Some of us were on our way to work, saw the Towers burn and fall, people running for their lives and worse, a cloud of redddish brown gray haze coming at us, not sure why.  Praying.  Hearing expressions of hatred.  Fearful because of our olive skin


Not watching TV, no information, just terror.  


Walking home, praying, cheering passing firefighter trucks, dazed, covered in black and blue marks when I showered.  Alive, praying.